The last 3 weeks have been hell on my teeth. I decided 3 weeks ago that since I haven't been to the dentist in 3 years why not go. Mistake? In the long run probably not. But seriously noone should ever have a dentist visit once a week for 3 weeks. In a month or so I will be back to visit the sadist with his painfull little hooks to have my wisdom teeth removed (at least I'll get some drugs out of that deal).
Right now I can't feel my face and I look absolutely retarded when I try to smile (Bah-chomp bah-chewy-chomp) and I sound absolutely retarded when I talk. Thankfully it's only temporary!
(edit: 3 years is an overexageration... still it had been awhile and i feel discusting about it)
Right now I can't feel my face and I look absolutely retarded when I try to smile (Bah-chomp bah-chewy-chomp) and I sound absolutely retarded when I talk. Thankfully it's only temporary!

(edit: 3 years is an overexageration... still it had been awhile and i feel discusting about it)
dentists scare me!
In high school. *shrugs* That's ok. Sherry Moon did a fine job.