I probably should've written this blog yesterday but lack of sleep and time prevented me. So I work at a radio station and we had some extra tickets to see Breaking Benjamin at Bogart's (not that I like BB really I don't but it was free and I figured why not so me and a couple people from work went). Well I didn't get back into Dayton until 3 am... mind you I'm usually at work by 4 am. When I got in I did the bare minium and decided to take a nap until rabbiofrock got in. When he got there and tried to wake me up I "Hulked Out" on him. Remember wrestling back in the day when Hogan would get hit and he'd start to shake, get hit again and he'd stomp around and shake some more, and then the final hit and he'd shake and point his finger? Well I did the last step I woke up shook and pointed my finger at him before I even knew I was up! I wish it was video taped because I'd love to watch it happen.

this must've been the best head ever!

this must've been the best head ever!

Hulk-a-mania lives FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!

I usually get my ink done here in Sidney at Spectrum. I've been going to Paul's studio since I was 18, so I'm kinda loyal. Although I am planning on having Rev at Glen Scott do my throat when I can afford more ink.