Happy Canada Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I'm still totally jealous you met Angela Gossow.....I still have the biggest crush on her.
Nice pictures though. That was a fun show.
Nice pictures though. That was a fun show.
It's been a while since I've last posted anything here. It's not like I've had alot of spare time since I've moved to TO. After my finall full time semester for my (barf) business managment diploma, I was working two jobs for a while. I quit my night job recently. I miss the extra drinking money. My day job pays 12.50 an hour and goes...
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Pictures of.......Just me.
THere. New favorite SG's. I still want the violent sets back. Especially the Kill Bill set.
I promise. It was ABSOLUTELY a Peewee Herman Christmas special. We watched it twice.
For next weekend we have Big Top Peewee, which is something with a circus.... and then, sadly thats the last of the movies and the episodes.
For next weekend we have Big Top Peewee, which is something with a circus.... and then, sadly thats the last of the movies and the episodes.
Wow! You're still alive!! Haven't heard from/seen you around in a LONG time.
That vegan cheesecake from my post was delicious btw, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference...honestly. My mother is amazing for making that for me.
That vegan cheesecake from my post was delicious btw, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference...honestly. My mother is amazing for making that for me.
Hey man. I don't remember deleteing my favorite SG's. It's bad enouph I can't see some of my favorite pics cause of some American Republican jerk off!!!!!!!!!!!!
That happend to me a while ago... Just weird! But fun to go through and pick new ones!
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Merry Xmas. Mine was cool, 'cept for the part when my Mom's friend couldn't bring her little girl because her X husband didn't bring her home like he was suposed to. I was looking forward to seeing the joy of a child on christmas. Another reminder to NEVER BREED. I'm going to see if I can catch the Justice League christmas special to cheer me...
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Found an apartment this past Saturday. Got my own bedroom, kitchen, and most importantly, my own bathroom. Thanks for those who wished me good luck, or sacrificed chickens, or baby goats to the Gods. It worked. I did it baby!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the new apartment! I'm glad all those babies I sodomized went to good use . I mean...er.....prayers...that I ...prayed.
Sweet deal! Congrats! I lived in Etobicoke for a while (while attending Humber College). Good times... Not sharing a bathroom or a kitchen is a good thing... Other peoples filth sucks!
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Hi everybody. I'm looking at apartments next weekend in Toronto. I'm really nervous about it. Wish me luck.
Good luck dude! How'd the search go?
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good lucky, hope you found something that peeks your interest!
It's been a long while since my last journal entry. The reason for that being, my life kinde of hit a rutt for a few months. I got really depressed about my situation with work, women, school, and my bandl (Q in the emo music). I just didn't want to make anyone else feel that way. Let's see if I can sum up what I've...
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