Raise your hand if less than 24 hrs is not enough notice for the real estate mofos to come and inspect my abode. My hand is raised. I've gotta clean my shitty apartment... gah.
that thunderstorm that just went through last night made everything cold and dreary. work at the lake is going to be freezing tonight. hats and mitts and several sweatshirts for me!
my pages get smudged all the time dammit. i even believe you can find me in a used bookstore somewhere...i don't know where but if you come across me at some point could you buy me up and give my pages some TLC? they're rather tired and tattered...that what you get when you give people your trust until they break it, instead of having them earn it first.
I don't really expect that heaps of people have their hands up right now because of the relative obscurity of the band.
I really like them. check them out on myspace. andrew the main guy posts hilarious bulletins and now he has a podcast - which is also hilarious cos it's random and kinda nothing... Read More
My friend had a similar problem with a peacock. It chased her when we went on a field trip when we were little. Very funny from an outside perspective.
aw man, my last remaining grandparent has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I just spoke to her apparently they're going to tell her what they're going to do about it on wednesday - gosh it's scary. My other grandmother had breast cancer but beat it - then apres some time died of a stroke.
I dont like this feeling at all - kinda sick in... Read More
I'm just really sick of people trying to pull the wool over my eyes and then when i catch them, they aren't man enough to face it. I hate being lulled into this stupid false sense of security with people! Sorry, that's just where my bed quote from.
ahhh, holidays,
how I missed thee.
you make me smile so much and I think if it didn't look silly I would launch from mon seat shouting hoozah for you - ah heck why not...... hmmm, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be.
so not fair!
i like you too, does that help?