now i have my own journal so I don't have to spy on joe's page anymore, yeah!
last night was Joanne's birthday party- I love my JoJo.
I dressed as if Dolly Parton raided my wardrobe
complete with enormous tits that my friends decided to punch and squeeze throughout the night... i got a lot of action ...
i spent the day with elinor- helping her paint - she looked as though she was trying to be like Carly Simon at the party... but those were her regular clothes...we ate delicious cheese and pumpkin pecan bread from Whole Foods and I drank copius amounts of beer and tried to scare all the new MFA students with my dancing and singing...frosty took me home and on the way, we stopped to move my car out of the parking ramp
my dreams were filled with motorscooter rides around my old college campus and Mark Mallman swinging on a rope that I held from the audience.... i am not sure what that's all about but it was kindof hot... now I am sitting here wasting time on the computer in my underwear ...soon to embark on some domestic beautification projects and some overdue homework.... but maybe we can stay in bed here just a little bit longer
last night was Joanne's birthday party- I love my JoJo.
I dressed as if Dolly Parton raided my wardrobe
complete with enormous tits that my friends decided to punch and squeeze throughout the night... i got a lot of action ...
i spent the day with elinor- helping her paint - she looked as though she was trying to be like Carly Simon at the party... but those were her regular clothes...we ate delicious cheese and pumpkin pecan bread from Whole Foods and I drank copius amounts of beer and tried to scare all the new MFA students with my dancing and singing...frosty took me home and on the way, we stopped to move my car out of the parking ramp
my dreams were filled with motorscooter rides around my old college campus and Mark Mallman swinging on a rope that I held from the audience.... i am not sure what that's all about but it was kindof hot... now I am sitting here wasting time on the computer in my underwear ...soon to embark on some domestic beautification projects and some overdue homework.... but maybe we can stay in bed here just a little bit longer


heya. welcome.