I played hookey from work today, but still didn't end up doing anything interesting. I was going to go see a movie, but I lost interest in it. i worked out a bit and that was fun. o.k., I'm realising that this is probably the worlds most boring journal entry, but, tuff tittie. I need to go work on my boat soon so that I can go sailing. that would be fun. I think I'm going to make this entry very long as well as boring. I don't think I've ever used this
before, but I could be wrong. these three are cute as well
. No, I'm not drunk or high or anything, just wanted to update my journal, but didn't have anything interesting to say. I really want to see the Pirates of the Carribean movie, but I'm not real big into crowds, so I didn't want to go opening night. It was always my favorite ride at disneyland. I even had sex on it once. I also got a picture of my friend flashing her boobies in front of the It's a Small World ride. That was cool. I think I spend too much time on the computer, I'm becoming a real internet nerd. Maybe I can start dating some girl in another country. I've always wanted an interweb girlfriend. we could have online sex. Totally Awesome Dood. Who wants to have internet sex with me? come on, It would be fun. I'm gonna become a total cyber slut, but don't worry, I'll wear a virtual rubber. ya, and transformers are cool too. I never got why optimus prime didn't just kill megatron, you know? I mean Megatron was a total pussy. he couldn't even transform into a vehicle. he was just a gun. he couldn't even do anything unless soundwave was there to shoot things with him. And Fuck the Go-bots. what a bunch of half -assed rip-offs. didn't the leader turn into a scooter? what a fag-bot. ya, I know. you all think I'm the coolest guy in the world. you wish you could write journal entries like me. I wonder if anyone will actually read all of this. that would be pretty funny. maybe I'll get a bunch of angry comments from people who read the whole thing hoping to find something interesting buried in here.
there's another little face I don't use too often, I did use it once, but I used it to symbolize licking instead of laughing. and you know, maybe I won't get any comments because everyone will take one look at this beast and leave my page. what if all my friends erase me from thier friends, lists for being such a jackass? where's a little crying face when you fuckin' need one?!! I like to say Fuckin' Well that's about all I have to say now. good night
( that one may be a first too)

transformers, word. we watch the gobots and transformers movies at work. the sushi chef is a crazed robot collector. he says go bots have redeemable characteristics. in fact whole websites are dedicated to this debate. if you are such an interweb geek you should join the discussion.