I fell asleep on my couch last night at around 10:00. I had a really strange dream.
the dream:
I was hungry so i went into what I thought was an italian resturaunt. when i stepped in the door, I noticed that the front half of the resturaunt looked more like a 50's soda fountain. to the right there were booths along the wall and to the left there were two seperate counters facing each other. behind one counter was Olivia, wearing an outfit kind of like what the See's candies ladies wear, but without the black trim, and behind the other counter was s5, dressed to the T like a 50's soda jerk, little hat and all. they were selling all kinds of sweets and candies and icecream ( I think it was actually sorbet, because everything was vegan, but it looked like icecream) and everything was in pastel colors. they were really happy to see me when i walked in. this was kind of strange to me because I don't really know them in real life, I've met them both , but I don't think they know who i am.
but anyways, i didn't want desert yet so I walked to the back, which looked like a normal resturaunt, but kind of ghetto. I really wanted to order this pasta dish with mushrooms, but i kept forgetting what it was called, and the waiter would try to tell me it was spagghetti bolognesa, and I would try to explain that I didn't want a meat sauce, so I'd have to try to find the dish I wanted in the menu again, and when I finally found it I would close the menu and forget the name, starting the whole prosess over. I won't even get into all the trouble i had trying to get a salad.
this is definately the logest journal entry that I've made
the dream:
I was hungry so i went into what I thought was an italian resturaunt. when i stepped in the door, I noticed that the front half of the resturaunt looked more like a 50's soda fountain. to the right there were booths along the wall and to the left there were two seperate counters facing each other. behind one counter was Olivia, wearing an outfit kind of like what the See's candies ladies wear, but without the black trim, and behind the other counter was s5, dressed to the T like a 50's soda jerk, little hat and all. they were selling all kinds of sweets and candies and icecream ( I think it was actually sorbet, because everything was vegan, but it looked like icecream) and everything was in pastel colors. they were really happy to see me when i walked in. this was kind of strange to me because I don't really know them in real life, I've met them both , but I don't think they know who i am.
but anyways, i didn't want desert yet so I walked to the back, which looked like a normal resturaunt, but kind of ghetto. I really wanted to order this pasta dish with mushrooms, but i kept forgetting what it was called, and the waiter would try to tell me it was spagghetti bolognesa, and I would try to explain that I didn't want a meat sauce, so I'd have to try to find the dish I wanted in the menu again, and when I finally found it I would close the menu and forget the name, starting the whole prosess over. I won't even get into all the trouble i had trying to get a salad.
this is definately the logest journal entry that I've made

mustache rides....... finsish the song....
Hello, I am in dire need of your slip and slide at this very moment. That is all...