That looks awesome!!! What exactly do you do?? Besides being a Sea pirate, and part time super villain of course wink
Came back from st. pattys day. Went out to my fav bar, with all my friends. All that matter to me was that they had fun, yes, i ran my bill really, really, really high, for all of them. I guess to to me thats what matters the most, seeing them smile and have a good time, although i dissed alot of girls, i didn't...
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ive seen em all and they are all great live.

no more sets for me, i'm past that point in my life haha.

biggrin kiss kiss
sheer drunkeness... last night was my friends 25th bday, which we celebrated at his house was just crazy. It seemed as there was no sober person old, young, black, white, purple.. alcohol had to restriction this night.. Everyone was just tipsy, even the bands played horrible because they were so drunk. i been to many partys, bars, and get togethers, i never seen so many...
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thanks so much for the comment on my new set! hope you have a good week.xoxoxo
Haha. Thanks. I was trying to think of how to start the new blog, and then that song got stuck in my head. If only I actually had that song. I would bump it super loud, and my neighbors would probably think that I've totally lost it tongue
so my brother and I have been playing this resident evil 5 all day, and we can't stop......why must these video games be so much fun, i feel like im just wasting my day haha. See how much i can take
Ack! Did you hear about the guy who died from playing being so addicted to video games. He, like, wouldn't stop to eat or go to the bathroom or anything. Then he just died. It might just be an urban legend. But that story is going around.
cat and mouse, cat and mouse, I met this girl at a party, very cute and cool, which is fucken rare for me. We talk and dance and chilled and got drunk, but why must these girls have a cock block troll of a fucken friend, Why? ALWAYS!! When she was leaving i actually chased after her, which i never do to get her number...
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good luck with the lady mister! biggrin
Shes gone....... i fucken hate people, how certain people can just have no empathy. When these doctors or study directors fuck up, and they just say "oh its okay will just get more and try again" I hate days like today, work is always so much fun, i love doing it, then i realize what i do and what its for. They say "don't get...
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Oh, I'm sorry, man. That is rough. I get that way about animals and kids. I see them both as being very innocent creatures, and for their lives to end or be endangered, it fucking rips at my heart strings.
So i joined again... this site has changed so much since last i was here in 2002. a lot more girls, so thats good, i guess its odd with all these rules, with boards and blogs and stuff It kinda makes wanna stay in the shadows haha, will see how it goes, im still learning stuff on here.
Thanks for the triple whammy on my set. Haha.

I can only imagine how different the site seems after 7 years. I've been here since 2005, and the changes are mind blowing!