Whew. So I just wrapped up another event for Scion promo. We did the D1 GP drift event in Gulfstream Park. I gotta say its pretty badass. We had a perfect view of all the action. It was kinda funny that the first 2 drivers ended up wrecking on the first turn. Well ahead of the clipping point. But it fueled the spectators for the rest of the day.
I was able to work with friends for Jville. Since it was such a large event. It made working so much easier. So we had time for breaks. And when people rushed the booth it wasnt such a headache. I didnt get pics of the car action. Because a buddy of mine thats an amatuer photographer was there. So ill rely on him for those pics. But heres a few of us messing around.
So the day started crazy hot. But the clouds came in with some breeze and made it tolerable. All in all a good day. No complains other than a swollen ankle from being on my feet 9+ hours.
Edit for more pics
Honey, my life whole life is one big story.