Been Thinking alot lately about my relationships with some of my friends. Had a convo with someone last nite that might have shed some light on the subject. Basically a few of my friends have been turned off by the way ive treated them since i moved back down.
Case in point. One of my oldest friends always seems to have drama with the people in his life. Roomates, family and that sort of thing. I was already a lil pissed because he didnt swing by the bar all of us were at for my bday. Even though he works at the restaurant next door. Then he says he's got the week off so we'll be able to hang out all day like we used to. That day he comes up with some stupid excuse about needing to talk to the landlord, about something ANY of the other people at his place could have done. So he basically ditches our plans. So already im annoyed. The final straw is when he joins us a few days later, because he had to get out his house so he wouldnt have to deal wth his roomates. And its all just BS BS BS.
So i tell him straight up. Dude, if you wanna get dragged down by these people in your life. Go right the fuck ahead and do it. I dont wanna be involved in this shit circle anymore. He's like: 'no man we should talk about this". I straight up say I have no issues. I dont want em. K thanks. Bye.
So. Does this make me a prick? Some sort of cold hearted bastard? I think Ive gotten to a point in my life that i dont need to attach myself to someone in the hopes that they wll be a good friend to me EVENTUALLY.
If you're not the type of person I want in my life, Then your out of it. Simple.
IDK...........I think ive been hurt by so many people in my life. Its much simpler to give up on someone.
Case in point. One of my oldest friends always seems to have drama with the people in his life. Roomates, family and that sort of thing. I was already a lil pissed because he didnt swing by the bar all of us were at for my bday. Even though he works at the restaurant next door. Then he says he's got the week off so we'll be able to hang out all day like we used to. That day he comes up with some stupid excuse about needing to talk to the landlord, about something ANY of the other people at his place could have done. So he basically ditches our plans. So already im annoyed. The final straw is when he joins us a few days later, because he had to get out his house so he wouldnt have to deal wth his roomates. And its all just BS BS BS.
So i tell him straight up. Dude, if you wanna get dragged down by these people in your life. Go right the fuck ahead and do it. I dont wanna be involved in this shit circle anymore. He's like: 'no man we should talk about this". I straight up say I have no issues. I dont want em. K thanks. Bye.
So. Does this make me a prick? Some sort of cold hearted bastard? I think Ive gotten to a point in my life that i dont need to attach myself to someone in the hopes that they wll be a good friend to me EVENTUALLY.
If you're not the type of person I want in my life, Then your out of it. Simple.
IDK...........I think ive been hurt by so many people in my life. Its much simpler to give up on someone.
♥ you too