Before you ask, I'll tell you. It's "666" in roman numerals. Either means the number of the Beast in the Book of Revelation or abundance, optimism and luck in the spiritual world. Choose your flighter 😉
Funny thing. Back in the day I was pretty much obsessed with all things occult and discovered the numbers making up the magic square of the Sun (6x6) add up to 666. The Square of the Sun represents the solar, rational principle, what we today would call Science. One idea lead to another and I eventually concluded The Beast will probably be an Artificial Intelligence entity while the Mark of the Beast will probably be Micro-chipping - computer terminal implants, possibly involving mind-control. I'm going to keep my computer involvement firmly on my desk!
D 500 C 100 L 50  X 10 and 6  Equal  666  Why those nombres  Under what  influence (( ..may be John Dee )  or who knows even where we are !