I just found my tattoo artist in two magazines... she's picture in Inked and Skin and Ink. I just thought that was crazy.. maybe its more common than I think?
Aww thanks love! I assure you I had been awake for an hour before this so some of the puffiness had subsided!
Thanks for the lovely comment about my set !!
oh! and about my hair too!
oh! and about my hair too!
does anyone that lives near me want dreads?? I'm really wanting to try this one method like the hair police do.. the dreadperm. I'm a licensed cosmetologist and everything, I've been working in a salon since I graduated.. let me know!!!
your hair must be at least 6 inches long for this method.. though if its shorter, I'll still put some dreads in, just not...
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your hair must be at least 6 inches long for this method.. though if its shorter, I'll still put some dreads in, just not...
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In highschool I had braids put in my hair, which after unravelling and poor care became de facto dreds. It was hilarious: my aunt did the braiding, and in my multi-racial family this posed some problems, as she is black, and I am VERY white, so she had to use copious amounts of wax to get my hair to do what she she was accustomed to. Longwinded way of saying: my hair's too short anyway, but after that experience, I might be permanently weary of the braid/dred thing. BUT I think they look great on other people, so I hope you find a willing model!
work and motivation.... two things that are so hard for me to put together.
Good luck