YES. album is mixed. everything sounds good, especially for being a homejob recording. now to get the mixdown ready to send out for mastering and then it'll be done done done.
i can't stop listening to it. is that bad? i am just so excited to have a recording of my band worth listening to. i'm getting goosebumps every once in a while because there are certain parts where my guitar sounds monstrous.
i love music. rock and roll has saved my life.
i can't stop listening to it. is that bad? i am just so excited to have a recording of my band worth listening to. i'm getting goosebumps every once in a while because there are certain parts where my guitar sounds monstrous.
i love music. rock and roll has saved my life.

That's great. I'm glad it came out the way you wanted it to. You shouldn't feel bad for listening to it. That's a good thing