phew! got registered for winter classes today. i almost, ALMOST, forgot that it was today. but this was the first time i actually got all of the classes i initially wanted without having to shuffle my schedule. next term will be fun... much more fun than this term. in fact, i have a chapter test today in math and i am stressed. i have a 91% in that class, with this chapter test and final to go. i sooooo want an "A", as i have managed a 4.0 gpa since i have been in school. most people would be stoked with a "C" in math95, as it has the one of the highest failure/drop rates of any math class. fuck that. i want to do excellent in school, not just get by. i don't think living in mediocrity is any way to live.
i need to get motivated and out of the house. laundry, lunch and a sick girlfriend to take care of. then study my ass off.
i need to get motivated and out of the house. laundry, lunch and a sick girlfriend to take care of. then study my ass off.