when all that is planned fails...
oh no... what has happened? last time i stopped by things seemed to be going so well with your music and everything. you gonna be ok???
I may have made too much of an assumption...I just saw your journal a while ago surreal either way.... biggrin biggrin biggrin
wow. my life took a 180. very shitty. gotta figure this one out. things are going to be very lonely now.
please oh please, do not let me slip into depression again. its the fucking worst.
why does this have to be so painful. i have no idea what i am doing now.
started recording today. spent hours and hours setting up mics on the drums and it was worth it. intitial drum tracks sound amazing. after a little fine tuning, we can begin recording the finished drum tracks, then its on to me recording guitar tracks.
recording is the bestest ever. love
yes it is. where the fuck are recording in Med?
looks good. Watch the phase in that room you got a lot of mics up- Just check your mixes in mono. Your gonna have to send us out a copy of that when its finished and I'll send you out some of our stuff.
i got a job!
i got a job!
i got a job!
i got a job!
i got a job!
part-time at a digital photo studio, doing film output and printing, as well as a little photoshop touching up here and there. starting pay is excellent and i'll be working with a fellow student i already know and get along with.
money. imagine that. i'll...
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yay. I got your present today! FUCKING ROCK!. It's funny though cause you sent me a burned copy of my boyfriends band. I'm so stoked on those CD's thanks again.
i LOVED choke and i have read invisible monsters and fight club. i need to read survivor. heard lullabye wasn't that good. congrats on the job. i thought your yoga was probably through school..........lots of people take it that way. is that where you will take it again, or in a studio or club?
where can I hear some of your stuff? I hear about these gigs on the krog all the time but I wonder if they're worth getting a babysitter for... I'm sure you guys are cool though, since you are on sg wink
um yeah, i would love to rock, but that is about a 9 hour drive or so. rogue is in medford eghh? i used to visit ashland and medford alot, if i recall medford has a great goodwill. so how often do you do yoga? is it through an athletic club, or a studio, or the school? lots of folks get to busy for yoga..............make time!! i am addicted, i make time. though it's hard sometimes. i am glad to see more dudes into it. have you read other palahniuk besides fight club?

thanks for the tax empathy. my floor is covered with receipts and notes and copies of invoices etc. it's just hard for me to get motivated to just sit down in it all and finish it up. it takes a bit of time each time i take a break from it to just get my head back into it all. but this weekend i MUST get everything finished up so that my tax guy can punch in the final numbers and tell me what i owe. blech.

tell me more about your DVD that you made - how did you make it? what all is on it?
holy crap. last night's show was completely out of hand. thirty3 and countdown to life from portland totally killed it.
we played an entire set of minor threat covers. we even had our buddy tim on bass for us to round out the sound. everyone was on fucking fire last night. i couldn't have wished for a better show. i think i rocked out to...
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not exactly unscathed, wallet is a ton lighter, but it could have been worse

I don't think I'll be riding till Saturday

Have a good show
hey, you dont know me, i am one of philjonesgl's friends............asked about the show, he said to look here. noted your love of palahniuk and yoga, so you must be a rad dude. my sister went to southern................is that where you go?
band practice.
band practice.
band practice.

-weekend- lots and lots of band practice.

rinse. repeat.

nope, not complaining. we have shows a plenty coming up. for the local folks, it runs down like this:

april 5th:
countdown to life (PDX)
thirty3 (PDX)
blueprint for disaster
beneath the thorns

april 8th
iron lung vs. blueprint for disaster

may 5th -...
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Dude. You know Peyote Calamity? If you are who I think you are then you might. My boyfriend is Lee in that band. They played some shows in Oregon. They said something about you guys. Strange coincidence...
i just talked to him last night & told him you were on here. He says what's up. I heard you're cd. From what I remember it was pretty good. I'll have to listen again.
phew. just got back from a 3 day trip to portland to see the 2004 noise fest. it was fun as hell. i met a bunch of my dorky friends off of the internet there and had a fun weekend of taking photos, listening to/watching live noise acts and partying non-stop. now, its off to bed for my first day back at school tomorrow. tongue
i was told to stalk you...
but i am not too good at that sorta thing smile
so i will just say hullo for now...
hope you had fun in p-town smile
goddamnit. still sick. the beautiful warm weather brings allergies, then sinus infection... during my spring break. i am taking my usual dosage of pills to combat it, but i am getting fucking frustrated with being sick.
today, i go to my drummer's house to write music. he'll be at work. it'll just be me and the multi-track recorder, taking down as many ideas as i...
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allergies suck. spring and fall it's like i have a permanent cold. blech. but i've got new allergy drugs now which are great. smile