our recording is done... vocals laid down yesterday and it went so fucking well. now for the tedious mixdown and more tedious mastering. i have a few friends helping on the mastering. thankfully, they are generous folks and are doing it for free (phew.. we are just another poor-assed band... go figure).
i love recording. you go through this incredible range of emotions when going...
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Cool I sent you my cell on the e-mail. Time for my nap now.
Sorry I didn't stick around I've got work in the morning.
schooool's out for summer!

well, not really, but i do have a nice break coming up. i'm until july 6th and boy do i need the break. i am exhausted. somehow, through all of the drama and missed school from travel and sickness, i still managed straight A's. yup, you heard me, 4.0 gpa is still going strong. only have to do it for 4...
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yay for the break! i'm done with classes for awhile now too, but i still have a few papers to turn in before i can officially slack. and of course there is still that job thing. smile
One of these day I still owe you a beer.

Maybe after a show, got any of those coming up?
fuck... sick again. went from a throat tickle to full-on sinus massacre in record time, less than 24 hours. i guess my partying in maryland caught up with me.
missing more school... grand. mad
CLose Neil Blender and The "Jersey Devil" Yom Groholski
Now...i'm sick.... whatever ....I hope you are well now.... I suppose I couldn't have gotten it from you on AIM..hahaha biggrin
final tally of the maryland death fest.
pictures taken : 1,171
bands seen : 30, give or take a few
beers drank : 70+ ?. i really lost count sunday night.
shots taken : 4 (all jagermeister)
boobies touched : 3
girls kissed : ZERO (wtf ?!? stupid girls...)

holy crap am i tired. i am still editing photos at almost 5 am. what the...
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day 3 of the maryland death fest.
pictures taken : 761
bands seen : 18
beers drank : 46+ ?
shots taken : 4 (all jagermeister)
boobies touched : 2
girls kissed : ZERO (wtf ?!? stupid girls...)

goddamn, i am having so much fun. tomorrow, another dozen or so bands, then back on a plane to oregon.

tonight's highlights:
pig destroyer completely fucking rocking...
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d'oh.... stupid girls mad haha...but you got some boobie action in there i see?!

god damn I'm jealous...I want to go see lots of bands....you took 761 pictures??????? HOLY SHIT! That's a lot.

glad you are having fun wink
in maryland at my friend mike's house. i got here last night around 9 pm which is almost 36 hours early, which makes me happy because i am here on my birthday!!! WOOT!
drinks for me, drinks for me! ARRR!!!
happy birthday!
monday: get up early, take care of some biz, talk to some design clients, head to school, and pack for my trip.

tuesday: drive to portland (YAY!), party with my boy ryan and his roomies and celebrate an early b-day for me.

wednesday: go to airport a DAY EARLY and beg to be let on the plane early. Get on standby or some shit. i...
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I'll be in Eugene on tuesday but I'm not leaving till 2:30 or so. If there's any possible way I'll buy you a drink half way up.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a blast. biggrin
I had to post on your birthday or it wouldn't count. wink
really tired from last night's show with YOB and Graves At Sea, both incredible doom bands. it was a blast, but i am super beat. i am trying to get enough energy to go out tonight for a friend's friend's 21st b-day deal. you know: hit the bars, get loaded, hit the strip club and look at boobies and stuff.
so yeah, already tired and...
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Kind of a late notice but there's going to be another sushi and bowling get together in eugene on saturday if you interested.
so tired... i have run myself ragged lately, keeping moving to avoid thinking about anything or dwell on stupid shit. so far, its working. but i am exhausted now.
in 2 weeks, i drive to portland to fly out to maryland for the maryland death fest. three days of grindcore, death metal and more metal. gonna be soooo good. hang out with friends, see great...
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sounds fun! I am jealous. I wish I had something fun to look forward too. I know what you mean about the keeping moving thing. I have been doing that lately because everything has been shit lately...if I don't try to keep myself busy- I drive myself crazy. surreal But when I finally get home and get ready for bed(etc) I am dead tired. blackeyed
I go out Friday night with a few friends, not expecting a whole lot to happen. Then, I run into this girl Jenna I had some classes with in school. Oh Jenna, so goddamn cool, funny, and not to mention TOO FINE. Anyways, we talk for a good hour and catch up, as she has been taking a few terms off. She says "I'm gonna...
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Do I post too much in your journal stacy? i hope you don't mind. I'm on SG all the time until i find out if i get my new job and until school starts up again. boredom i guess blush anyways...you seem like you have a lot to offer a girl...so good luck wink
i understand how that feels....don't beat yourself up about it! you seem pretty chill to me smile
That's awesome! Did you get footage of it? That's a funny picture biggrin eeek
Fuck and I went home early fuck fuck fuck.
sorry if i was vague, my friends. i was at a loss for words. but so people aren't in the unknown, here's the scoop:
i broke up with my lady of two and a half years and it has been devastating. she has changed and has chosen to do different things with her life that i chose not to take part in. it absolutely kills...
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You got a beer on me I don't know were or when but next time I see you beer on me, thats finale.
It was funny you asked because after that I went home and hooked the PT system up at the house and last night a friend came over in need of a quick mastering job. I mastered the new Cliftons record in about 5 hours, give or take a few beers.