Was it really the fifth of June that I updated last? Oh no.... unfortunately its also gonna be the last time I do this until at least the beginning of september, because I am going on holidays in 2 days. My love and I are flying to Stockholm first and then we will hopefully get a ferry to Helsinki and then go down through the Baltic States and Poland. Im really looking forward to it!
In September Ill be pretty busy with my Diploma Project for school which is so awesome I cant even begin to tell you! If I do it good, and I have every intention to do so, it will hopefully take me a little further with my career as awesome photographer
Apart from the fact that I will get paid well, which is quite odd for a Diploma Project. We will spend most of september shooting, but we already have spend quite some time planning everything and I just hope the weather will be fine. If we have a rainy september we are pretty much fucked.
Also, Albertine has started to prepare my next set. Does anyone know how long the queue is these days? Is it still 2 months or are they actually stricter now with accepting sets? I will post a preview picture of my set as soon as I can I promise.
What else... I saw Pentagram at Hells Pleasure. That was pretty nice. I liked Bobbys pink jeans and the fact that he put on different clothes for the encore. I also liked that they were quite awesome and played really really good songs.
Well, have a nice summer and tell me about your holidays! I am off to work... oh the joy
In September Ill be pretty busy with my Diploma Project for school which is so awesome I cant even begin to tell you! If I do it good, and I have every intention to do so, it will hopefully take me a little further with my career as awesome photographer

Also, Albertine has started to prepare my next set. Does anyone know how long the queue is these days? Is it still 2 months or are they actually stricter now with accepting sets? I will post a preview picture of my set as soon as I can I promise.
What else... I saw Pentagram at Hells Pleasure. That was pretty nice. I liked Bobbys pink jeans and the fact that he put on different clothes for the encore. I also liked that they were quite awesome and played really really good songs.
Well, have a nice summer and tell me about your holidays! I am off to work... oh the joy
Aw I wish I had gone to Hells Pleasure, a lot of my friends went and they said it was really good. I can't wait to see your new set, but I really want that first one to go up it's so gorgeous.
I really loved your first set, so sad to see it didn't go live, I just know your next will be amazing again though