As usual, Im gonna complain about school first:
fucking assignments!!!!!!!
I have to show calmness, strength and movement in photos but Im only allowed to use 'cultural shapes' meaning triangles, squares and circles. Calmness and strength are alright, but Im fucking around with that stupid movement thing right now... so if anyone has ideas: Im happy about anything...
I am going to Zagreb on Thursday!! I have never been there but I think its gonna be really nice! Has anyone been there?
And after that - finally - my first semester finishes, which means Ill have less to do and will be able to do some nice and relaxing things for a change.
fucking assignments!!!!!!!
I have to show calmness, strength and movement in photos but Im only allowed to use 'cultural shapes' meaning triangles, squares and circles. Calmness and strength are alright, but Im fucking around with that stupid movement thing right now... so if anyone has ideas: Im happy about anything...
I am going to Zagreb on Thursday!! I have never been there but I think its gonna be really nice! Has anyone been there?
And after that - finally - my first semester finishes, which means Ill have less to do and will be able to do some nice and relaxing things for a change.
Lass mal auskundschaften gehen!
Wo sind die?
Ich bin auch eingedeckt mit abgaben. abe ris eh nur mehr ein woche huii.
viel spa in Zagreb.
und jaaa ich werd meine mittagspause ab jetz im 3ten stock verbringen damit ma uns auch sehn knnen haha.
oder du kommst einfach mal runter