Thank you so much everyone!! I am really happy about the positive reactions I am getting!
There is a new set that will go online on the 8th of october. It was taken by the same photographer and might not be perfect either, but I like it very much - more than this one actually.
As I am interested in photography myself (I actually started studying photography this year) the next set will be selfshot. The only thing I am missing is a great idea. The general opinion seems to be that I keep it simple again but I am not sure if the people who decide will agree to that?! If you have a look at recent SG sets, they are all the opposite of simple! But if you guys have any good ideas on what my next set should look like - let me know!
Danke auch euch allen, liebe Deutschsprachigen, ich freu mich sehr ber eure guten Ratschlge und natrlich auch danke, Elea. Nett dass du sogar Schlgerein fr mich riskierst
PS: I nearly forgot: The picture was painted by a guy called Joachim Bueckalaer.
Rembrandt was quite close, Morfina. Bueckalaer was a bit earlier though and you would number him among Mannerism instead of Baroque.
There is a new set that will go online on the 8th of october. It was taken by the same photographer and might not be perfect either, but I like it very much - more than this one actually.
As I am interested in photography myself (I actually started studying photography this year) the next set will be selfshot. The only thing I am missing is a great idea. The general opinion seems to be that I keep it simple again but I am not sure if the people who decide will agree to that?! If you have a look at recent SG sets, they are all the opposite of simple! But if you guys have any good ideas on what my next set should look like - let me know!
Danke auch euch allen, liebe Deutschsprachigen, ich freu mich sehr ber eure guten Ratschlge und natrlich auch danke, Elea. Nett dass du sogar Schlgerein fr mich riskierst

PS: I nearly forgot: The picture was painted by a guy called Joachim Bueckalaer.
Rembrandt was quite close, Morfina. Bueckalaer was a bit earlier though and you would number him among Mannerism instead of Baroque.
Your set is so beautiful. Can't wait for the next one.

Loverly simple set and cute Platy tatt