Its snowing in Vienna. In october. Thats pretty crazy if you ask me (especially considering the fact that we had warm, nearly summerlike weather here last week)
As usual I dont have much time for this (and its not easy to type for me, as I cut my right indexfinger kind of bad a couple of days ago)
The nice thing is that I am...
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As usual I dont have much time for this (and its not easy to type for me, as I cut my right indexfinger kind of bad a couple of days ago)
The nice thing is that I am...
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You absolutely have to watch this, its really really funny. Make sure you watch it all the way to the end, otherwise its probably not that great.
About the title: Schwarzfahrer (translated weirdly enough as 'Black rider') in german means someone who uses a train or something like that without a ticket (fare dodger I think is the english expression). But literally it means of...
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About the title: Schwarzfahrer (translated weirdly enough as 'Black rider') in german means someone who uses a train or something like that without a ticket (fare dodger I think is the english expression). But literally it means of...
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I already knew it, but it's always a great pleasure to watch it again! I love it! Thanks!

Mmmm... I liked my holidays... quite sad they are over to be exact but what can you do?
As I said I am working on my diploma project now and its going pretty damn good which makes me very very happy. The wheather has been more or less fine and we havent had to cancel any shootings because of the rain yet. We already have...
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As I said I am working on my diploma project now and its going pretty damn good which makes me very very happy. The wheather has been more or less fine and we havent had to cancel any shootings because of the rain yet. We already have...
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Eigentlich seh ich fast nie Touristen. Ich wohne auf der "einheimischen" Seite der Insel.
Aber so ein ordentliches Gewitter mit Platzregen wrd mir schon wieder mal Spass machen. =)
Was versum ich denn zu hause so?
Aber so ein ordentliches Gewitter mit Platzregen wrd mir schon wieder mal Spass machen. =)
Was versum ich denn zu hause so?
Good luck with your new set.
I would share about my summer, but sadly all that I did was work.
I would share about my summer, but sadly all that I did was work.
Was it really the fifth of June that I updated last? Oh no.... unfortunately its also gonna be the last time I do this until at least the beginning of september, because I am going on holidays in 2 days. My love and I are flying to Stockholm first and then we will hopefully get a ferry to Helsinki and then go down through the...
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Aw I wish I had gone to Hells Pleasure, a lot of my friends went and they said it was really good. I can't wait to see your new set, but I really want that first one to go up it's so gorgeous.
I really loved your first set, so sad to see it didn't go live, I just know your next will be amazing again though 

n, earth kenn ich nicht, und wenn ich nicht in d arena arbeiten wrde, htte ich wahrscheinlich noch immer keine ahnung von doom usw. war echt mal cool sowas zu hrn/sehn.
das war so n northern shaolin kung fu kurs, der von den feministinen vom wuk organisiert wurde. war ganz ok, aber jetzt geh ich thaiboxen und das kann noch viel mehr
das war so n northern shaolin kung fu kurs, der von den feministinen vom wuk organisiert wurde. war ganz ok, aber jetzt geh ich thaiboxen und das kann noch viel mehr

Please, please post the bug photos somewhere else when you get a chance. They're just so wickedly cool.
I cant believe how long I just fucked around in photoshop... and I still cant figure it out... grrrr
Anyways, I am very, very happy about all the lovely comments I got for my set!! Thank you sooo much everyone
I was gonna show you some pics I took for school and I really like them, but apparently its impossible for me to photoshop them...
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Anyways, I am very, very happy about all the lovely comments I got for my set!! Thank you sooo much everyone

I was gonna show you some pics I took for school and I really like them, but apparently its impossible for me to photoshop them...
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haha ! i love your headline so much 

Oh my gosh, that's so cute!
i love your set lady!.....lucky lucky lucky.....
this time have to up
this time have to up

i don't know about the photoshop thing. looks mostly like HDR algorithms.... simplified.
Time for me to whinge a little. I have a cold and lay awake for a couple of hours last night because I had the worst stomach cramps... dont ask me why.
Tomorrow I have a test in a really annoying and stupid subject, and I just found that out now and cant really be fucked studying. Although it shouldnt be a problem to study...
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Tomorrow I have a test in a really annoying and stupid subject, and I just found that out now and cant really be fucked studying. Although it shouldnt be a problem to study...
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du hattest mir neulich mal geschrieben oder? ich hab momentan nur stress. schule, reisevorbereitungen usw.
aber hab mir dein set in der mr queue angeschaut (n kleiner trick) und ich finds echt sooo bombe!
ich bin ma ziemlich sicher dass dich das pink machen wird.
ist das jez das von albertine?
aja und mein freund fragt ob the stranger die eine frau von den drei musketieren (dem film) darstellen soll. ich wei grade so gar nicht wen er meint ehrlichgesagt...
nuja ich hoff dir gehts gut!
siehst du Tie noch manchmal auf der schhule? sie is ja grade nicht zu bersehen mit den bunten haaren.
du hattest mir neulich mal geschrieben oder? ich hab momentan nur stress. schule, reisevorbereitungen usw.
aber hab mir dein set in der mr queue angeschaut (n kleiner trick) und ich finds echt sooo bombe!
ich bin ma ziemlich sicher dass dich das pink machen wird.
ist das jez das von albertine?
aja und mein freund fragt ob the stranger die eine frau von den drei musketieren (dem film) darstellen soll. ich wei grade so gar nicht wen er meint ehrlichgesagt...
nuja ich hoff dir gehts gut!
siehst du Tie noch manchmal auf der schhule? sie is ja grade nicht zu bersehen mit den bunten haaren.
uh danke fr dein comment 
Hab dich gestern in der Schule gesehn und nach dir gerufen aber du hast mich nicht gesehn.
Wir mssen uns echt mal auf nen kaffee im Keller treffen haha.
Das set haben wir letze woche in Bad Neusiedl geschossen. War total widerlich.. also die Location itself war schon kuhl aber es war alles voller Vogelscheie und jaaa ziemlich viele Kondome sind dort rumgelegen haha.. was man nicht alles tut.
Wie gehts dir sonst so? Wie war eigentlich Projektwoche? Habt ihr auch brav mim Edi getrunken?
Musst mir mal erzhlen und berhaupt wies so mit Diplomarbeit ausschaut. Wir sind ja grad mitten im Chaos. Naja wird schon werden.. genug gefasselt.

Hab dich gestern in der Schule gesehn und nach dir gerufen aber du hast mich nicht gesehn.
Wir mssen uns echt mal auf nen kaffee im Keller treffen haha.
Das set haben wir letze woche in Bad Neusiedl geschossen. War total widerlich.. also die Location itself war schon kuhl aber es war alles voller Vogelscheie und jaaa ziemlich viele Kondome sind dort rumgelegen haha.. was man nicht alles tut.
Wie gehts dir sonst so? Wie war eigentlich Projektwoche? Habt ihr auch brav mim Edi getrunken?
Musst mir mal erzhlen und berhaupt wies so mit Diplomarbeit ausschaut. Wir sind ja grad mitten im Chaos. Naja wird schon werden.. genug gefasselt.

Back from Romania... it was really nice, but unfortunately we had a little accident with the bike, of course on the first day. Big wound on my right knee, otherwise not much happened, which is pretty good. We just fell in a bent of the road and I am damn happy that there werent any fast cars around, running us over while we were lying...
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Gute Besserung 

Hey ssse.
Ja mir gehts gut und selber?
Wie war Niederblarn? Mir hat es damals total viel Spa gemacht. Sind bei euch auch ein paar Prchen entstanden? musst mir dann alles erzhlen
Ich hab jetz ziemlich Stress mit Diplomarbeit aber wenn du magst kmma gern mal am WE was machen. Werd Elea auch fragen wann sie mal zeit hat!
Was tut sich sonst so bei dir?

Ja mir gehts gut und selber?
Wie war Niederblarn? Mir hat es damals total viel Spa gemacht. Sind bei euch auch ein paar Prchen entstanden? musst mir dann alles erzhlen

Ich hab jetz ziemlich Stress mit Diplomarbeit aber wenn du magst kmma gern mal am WE was machen. Werd Elea auch fragen wann sie mal zeit hat!
Was tut sich sonst so bei dir?

Spring is here. It happened from one day to the next and now you dont even need a jacket anymore when going outside. Im not a real summer person, but I just realized how much I missed the sun, the light, the warmth. This winter was quite cold and is has been raining and very windy for many many weeks. So we deserve all the...
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have fun on your journey!!!!!
Ok, I think you have to hold on to something or get some tissues ready in case you need to cry becaue you are so jealous of me...
Ready? I will be going to Romania in a few weeks
I hope we can rent a bike or something (no car license unfortunately) to get around a bit because I couldnt care less about any cities,...
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Ready? I will be going to Romania in a few weeks

I hope we can rent a bike or something (no car license unfortunately) to get around a bit because I couldnt care less about any cities,...
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nice photos!
also wir sehen und nach romania...

you are amazing.... really
beautiful as hell,
you are amazing.... really
beautiful as hell,
How was shooting with Albertine? The overwhelming interest in that particular question (3 people asked
) makes me think it is time for me to tell.
I felt pretty comfortable with her which was good, because I was a bit scared of feeling akward and unsexy. We shot 2 different sets, which are totally different. The cooler one which we will submit very shortly has...
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I felt pretty comfortable with her which was good, because I was a bit scared of feeling akward and unsexy. We shot 2 different sets, which are totally different. The cooler one which we will submit very shortly has...
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bin schon gespannt...ich mcht ja auch gerne mit Albertine shooten...mal schaun obs was wird

thanks lady! your comment was awesome!!
cant wait to see your albertine set
cant wait to see your albertine set

can you yousend me those pics?