It's been a tough past two months..
Well, my living is easy. But, changing is not.
All of these modifications I've been making for myself has caught the attention of people close to me, and they're reacting negatively. First was my change in diet which my mom is always picking on. No longer am I eating what she cooks, and often I try to persuade her with the best intentions to alternate her diet a bit for her health. She'll try to make me consume things I normally do not; like tootsie rolls. She'll come up to me and say "want some tootsie rolls? They're ORGANIC" and continue to laugh in my face. Question why I choose to drink vinegar, and use coconut oils and olive oils in my cooking and remarks with "vegetable oil is better for you, because they're vegetables". I do not comment back with rude sentences, but try to educate her in why I've made these decisions, and how they could benefit her as well but she tends to shrug it off as the new decade follower thing to do. When we go grocery shopping and she asks my opinion, it just brings up more issues and it's kind of bringing me down. My love for my mother is one of a kind, and it's rough seeing her health degrade with diabetes and other health issues. When she approaches me with news from her doctor about her new health problems, my heart sinks and I offer her tea, or fruits in the morning.. but my efforts seem effortless. Now my younger sister picks on my choices as well and instead of trying to assure her of the positive outcomes I have to shrug it off because she tends to come back with more negative tid bits to pick on me for.
My spiritual journey is being frowned upon by my boyfriend's mother which is also wearing on me greatly. She's a strong Christian woman from Guatemala and I'm always respecting her ways of living (except for the sex with her son part.. eh-heheh..) But other than that, I call her Mrs, clean up dinner for her, help her with meals, spend time with her, listen to her stories about Christ and I am in no way an atheist or a Christian Basher, I may not entirely believe in the stories The Bible tells, but I have a respect for Arch Angels, and Jesus the love bringer himself. After all I've tried to prove to her, I'm still frightened to share my beliefs.. and that's why I can't always trust all Christians.. it's the judging issue some of them carry with themselves.. I am an extremely accepting person, and tend to speak for what is right.. but, I still can't share with her how I feel about life. When I talk about natural healing, with gemstones, and the changes of the seasons with the moon she scoffs and begins preaching about the sin in wiccans ways. I'm not accepted as a wiccan.. but I do live by the moon, and I believe life is ruled by a God, AND a Goddess. You know. Light and Dark, Yin-Yang, feminine-masculine qualities of life. She's been bashing on me for sometime.. it may not be directly expressed to me, but she expresses it other ways besides verbally.. and it hurts..
Throughout all of this, I'm trying to find strength in continuing my learning process without becoming judgmental and building up my defenses. With all of their opinions on the matter, all I can try to do is share mine. Live life, Love life. I have my own soul to carry, and I'm going to fill it with what I feel is right, along with trying to share what I believe is the good way with others. Just wishin' the people closest to me would open up as well..
On another note:
My dreads are maturing up a bit! <3
3 months old, still a little soft in some areas, but others are thickening up here and there. Just need to try to remember to palm roll more often. haha

Well, my living is easy. But, changing is not.
All of these modifications I've been making for myself has caught the attention of people close to me, and they're reacting negatively. First was my change in diet which my mom is always picking on. No longer am I eating what she cooks, and often I try to persuade her with the best intentions to alternate her diet a bit for her health. She'll try to make me consume things I normally do not; like tootsie rolls. She'll come up to me and say "want some tootsie rolls? They're ORGANIC" and continue to laugh in my face. Question why I choose to drink vinegar, and use coconut oils and olive oils in my cooking and remarks with "vegetable oil is better for you, because they're vegetables". I do not comment back with rude sentences, but try to educate her in why I've made these decisions, and how they could benefit her as well but she tends to shrug it off as the new decade follower thing to do. When we go grocery shopping and she asks my opinion, it just brings up more issues and it's kind of bringing me down. My love for my mother is one of a kind, and it's rough seeing her health degrade with diabetes and other health issues. When she approaches me with news from her doctor about her new health problems, my heart sinks and I offer her tea, or fruits in the morning.. but my efforts seem effortless. Now my younger sister picks on my choices as well and instead of trying to assure her of the positive outcomes I have to shrug it off because she tends to come back with more negative tid bits to pick on me for.
My spiritual journey is being frowned upon by my boyfriend's mother which is also wearing on me greatly. She's a strong Christian woman from Guatemala and I'm always respecting her ways of living (except for the sex with her son part.. eh-heheh..) But other than that, I call her Mrs, clean up dinner for her, help her with meals, spend time with her, listen to her stories about Christ and I am in no way an atheist or a Christian Basher, I may not entirely believe in the stories The Bible tells, but I have a respect for Arch Angels, and Jesus the love bringer himself. After all I've tried to prove to her, I'm still frightened to share my beliefs.. and that's why I can't always trust all Christians.. it's the judging issue some of them carry with themselves.. I am an extremely accepting person, and tend to speak for what is right.. but, I still can't share with her how I feel about life. When I talk about natural healing, with gemstones, and the changes of the seasons with the moon she scoffs and begins preaching about the sin in wiccans ways. I'm not accepted as a wiccan.. but I do live by the moon, and I believe life is ruled by a God, AND a Goddess. You know. Light and Dark, Yin-Yang, feminine-masculine qualities of life. She's been bashing on me for sometime.. it may not be directly expressed to me, but she expresses it other ways besides verbally.. and it hurts..
Throughout all of this, I'm trying to find strength in continuing my learning process without becoming judgmental and building up my defenses. With all of their opinions on the matter, all I can try to do is share mine. Live life, Love life. I have my own soul to carry, and I'm going to fill it with what I feel is right, along with trying to share what I believe is the good way with others. Just wishin' the people closest to me would open up as well..
On another note:
My dreads are maturing up a bit! <3
3 months old, still a little soft in some areas, but others are thickening up here and there. Just need to try to remember to palm roll more often. haha

You're right about the cooking oils. Check out He's very good, knows his stuff.
Also, I am sorry to hear about your mum's diabetes. I also have relatives with diabetes. Some have had diabetes since they were children (Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus, caused by an inability to produce insulin) and some developed it in later life (Non-Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus, caused by their cells gradually becoming insensitive to insulin, a condition which it seems more and more people are developing as they get older). While diabetes is a condition which can be managed in order to reduce its impact on health, it ultimately will impact on health sooner or later and the lifestyle decisions made by a person who has the disease will determine the "sooner or later" part. Eating foods rich in simple sugars, over eating in general and inadequate exercise can all contribute to the "sooner" part.
The only thing you can do as a relative of someone who has diabetes (or any other condition which can shorten someone's lifespan) is hope that they take the doctor's advice about how to manage their condition and make the most of the time you have with them. I have no idea how advanced your mum's condition is so for all I know you may have years and years left with her, or you may have a much shorter time.
When I was around 19 years old, I was annoyed with my dad and broke off contact with him. I didn't call him, write to him or make any effort to speak with him for years and years. Much later when I was 34, I received a phone call from my auntie informing me that my dad was very ill having fallen down the stairs and was in hospital. She told me that he'd been there all week but word had only just reached her due to my step-mum and my dad's relatives not talking to each other. When we got to the hospital he was not there. It turned out that he had died and been moved from the ward already. Apparently, my dad had been suffering from dementia for years. No one had thought to get in touch with me to tell me this. I never had the chance to make peace with my dad, but then again, it could be said that I had had 15 years to make peace with my dad. Hence, it is important to make the most of the time you have with your family, even if they can be a pain in the arse at times. I appreciate that this can be difficult if there are problems between you and your mum, but I can only suggest trying to focus on the good things about your relationship and letting the bad things pass over your head. Tough though it is, being able to manage your emotions in the face of situations that are hostile or that test you, is as much a part of your spiritual journey as changing your diet. Best of luck.