Haven't written in a while...mainly because I've been occupied with a lot. Since late May I've been in a relationship that seems to be going okay. Between my work schedule and her work and school, we don't get to see each other a lot. We plan to move in together some time after this February...I just hope I don't regret the decision. I've never lived with a girlfriend and I'm not sure how well I will handle it. It also feels a little rushed in a way. She's stuck living with her family for the time being and they're some shitty people. Her waste-of-space sister is a raging alcoholic who works at a liquor store and spends her sober time ignoring her 3 kids. My girlfriend made a comment about her blowing her kids off and the sister gave her a concussion. As expected, the police department I work for showed how piss poor our officer's work ethic is again. This brings me to my next point...finding a new job. I want nothing to do with law enforcement anymore. I see criminals and officers on a daily basis and I'm beginning to hate them both. About 4 years ago I graduated from the Academy of what I was told was "One of the Top Police Departments in the US". After seeing things through their eyes and resigning to take on civilian support roles, it makes me wonder just how bad other departments are. Out of the 30some cops I graduated with, I see maybe 4 that I can name who actually uphold the ideals of being a peace officer. The rest are lazy slugs who do what they can to skate by on the minimum. I was also cock blocked from a promotion recently, because they don't like the other people who I would be competing with for the position and had more seniority. Well there's my "fuck the police" tirade...on to other things.
If anyone is a Bob Suicide fan, you would have seen the Bob tattoo design I was planning to get. I'm still looking for an artists other than Hannah Aitchison that can execute this tattoo, but I might just try to get an appointment with her in August when I go back to Wisconsin for a wedding. Tattoos are on hold for the time being, due to my adventures in medicine. I was recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and it's causing other complications. I've seen two different specialists and had a myriad of unpleasant things done to me, only to have them throw more corticosteroids and antibiotics at me. I also had one doctor tell me a few months late that the results of a CT scan show enlarged lymph nodes and I should get another scan to rule out the possibility that I have Lymphoma. I've been in ridiculous amounts of pain the past 10 days and all I can do is down ibuprofen and hope it helps. I badly want an Irish Rootbeer, but I'm not allowed to drink with these meds. Something about toxic levels of serotonin doesn't sound pleasant.
To top things off, the MMO Final Fantasy XIV has been shut down until the unannounced re-release date. They talk about a Christmas re-launch, but Square-Enix is consistently late. This game pretty much filled my downtime at work and kept me out of trouble. I dunno what to do with myself now with all this free time.
If anyone is a Bob Suicide fan, you would have seen the Bob tattoo design I was planning to get. I'm still looking for an artists other than Hannah Aitchison that can execute this tattoo, but I might just try to get an appointment with her in August when I go back to Wisconsin for a wedding. Tattoos are on hold for the time being, due to my adventures in medicine. I was recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and it's causing other complications. I've seen two different specialists and had a myriad of unpleasant things done to me, only to have them throw more corticosteroids and antibiotics at me. I also had one doctor tell me a few months late that the results of a CT scan show enlarged lymph nodes and I should get another scan to rule out the possibility that I have Lymphoma. I've been in ridiculous amounts of pain the past 10 days and all I can do is down ibuprofen and hope it helps. I badly want an Irish Rootbeer, but I'm not allowed to drink with these meds. Something about toxic levels of serotonin doesn't sound pleasant.
To top things off, the MMO Final Fantasy XIV has been shut down until the unannounced re-release date. They talk about a Christmas re-launch, but Square-Enix is consistently late. This game pretty much filled my downtime at work and kept me out of trouble. I dunno what to do with myself now with all this free time.
DeadSpace is damn good.
Yeah I just finished it a few mins ago. Going to try Co-op now. I'm backed up on games right now. Haven't finished Ni No Kuni...DMC has some DLC this month, and Alien: Colonial Marine comes out today.