My trip is still on the lame side and I'm pretty much ready to go home now. I need to make some friends in this town that actually know some stuff to do other than eat. Yesterday my dad wanted to check out the Southern California Comic shop, so we checked it out. Neither of us have collected comics for about 10 years. The last one I bought was when Dreamwave had a Transformers comic out. After looking around we realized comics aren't the same anymore. Way too many damn spinoff series. I noticed some company called IDW is doing Transformers, Ghostbusters, and some other 80s cartoon classics. I also found out that Deadpool is back. I thought the series had died, but I guess it's back with some different artists. I still think Don Figueroa and Guido Guidi were the 2 most badass artists I have ever seen in the comic book industry.
After getting my nerd on, we went to Union Ale House by my Aunt's house. I tried some of their brews. I've noticed there are a shitload of IPA beers here, which I'm not really a fan of. Our bartender Lauren was hot...and by the time I thought "Maybe I can get her number and I'll have someone to hang out with when I visit" I was sloppy drunk and her shift was over. I come from the land of pussy 3.2% alcohol beer and this shit was 7% or better. I'm also a lightweight to begin with, so I was well on the road to making an ass of myself. Back at the house I managed to fall up the stairs and almost knock this crazy Don Quixote painting over. At some point I managed to get on facebook and do a round of harrassing comments on friend's posts...which I didn't remember doing at all. We ate dinner in downtown SD and I totally forgot what I ordered after staring blankly at the menu. 4 hours later I was still drunk, so I just took my ass to sleep.
Woke up today to find out we're going to eat more GD Mexican food. I'm sick of it. Then I find out that both of my aunts are probably crazy when it comes to parenting. I guess I can't really talk shit, since I can't have any kids of my own, but it seems a little weird when a 6yo boy can't wipe his own ass, demands to have milk in a baby bottle before bed, and sleeps with his parents every night. Then my other aunt talks about breast feeding her kid till he's 5. I think when the kid has teeth and starts talking, then suckin' on a titty is a little odd. I'm beginning to wonder if mental illness runs in the family.
After getting my nerd on, we went to Union Ale House by my Aunt's house. I tried some of their brews. I've noticed there are a shitload of IPA beers here, which I'm not really a fan of. Our bartender Lauren was hot...and by the time I thought "Maybe I can get her number and I'll have someone to hang out with when I visit" I was sloppy drunk and her shift was over. I come from the land of pussy 3.2% alcohol beer and this shit was 7% or better. I'm also a lightweight to begin with, so I was well on the road to making an ass of myself. Back at the house I managed to fall up the stairs and almost knock this crazy Don Quixote painting over. At some point I managed to get on facebook and do a round of harrassing comments on friend's posts...which I didn't remember doing at all. We ate dinner in downtown SD and I totally forgot what I ordered after staring blankly at the menu. 4 hours later I was still drunk, so I just took my ass to sleep.
Woke up today to find out we're going to eat more GD Mexican food. I'm sick of it. Then I find out that both of my aunts are probably crazy when it comes to parenting. I guess I can't really talk shit, since I can't have any kids of my own, but it seems a little weird when a 6yo boy can't wipe his own ass, demands to have milk in a baby bottle before bed, and sleeps with his parents every night. Then my other aunt talks about breast feeding her kid till he's 5. I think when the kid has teeth and starts talking, then suckin' on a titty is a little odd. I'm beginning to wonder if mental illness runs in the family.