My boss is a fucking troll.
Came in an hour early today due to yesterday's car mishap. Found out there was no free coffee. Will now have to wait until Friday to actually eat something besides cheese slices. It's a good thing I like cheese.
Had fitting with seamstress yesterday. Costume fits well, though I wish there would have been enough Sari to make the whole skirt instead of alternating it with pieces of the satin-ish stuff. Makes it not flowy enough and less 'Middle Eastern' looking.
Am contemplating proposing to Foamy. but am too afraid of rejection.
There are !Sues on the .MEOboards. Should I be surprised???
Oh, well.
It's only 8:21 and I have already almost choked on a piece of croissant that SHOT OUT MY NOSE. (Admittedly, that part was funny. Except for the "OMG I can't breathe, can I?" part. Well, even that part was funny if you aren't me.)
Am looking to acquire Hordes of the Underdark now that the D drive mystery is solved. Thanks to Xandraius & Kittengrin
Hexen is here! She got here yesterday! I didn't get to take any pictures yet, I was just (eyeroll) too tired. Again. BUT she is lovely. I don't think I'll be able to make her look like Melora in time for the concert, though. She's naked, save a kimono, and the top of her head has some minor damage---though I can probably ask whomever I have sand/coat/blush/wire her if they can do anything to fix that. It doesn't show, anyway.
I'm looking at Grace to do it, and possibly House of Crysania to do her face.
For clothing, I'm working with Spookychicks. I've given up on finding a Cello for her, though. I can't find one large enough.
Neverwinter Nights is the devil. Say it with me, now.
Am pretty upset that I have to withdraw from most RPs (am tamping up long, apologetic, honest letter) as it is really one of my only outlets, but my health has taken a dive down Thee Pooper. I'm so tired all the time---and my arm-tremors suck. I can't muster up any bit of creativity and it sucks, but I have to try to focus on the Novel. With so little energy I haven't been able to get Chapter 2 posted. (Mostly because I have to convert the whole thing to html format before uploading it to FictionPress). I mean, no one is going to give a rat's ass if I miss some online bullshit guild game----it requires not a LOT of on the spot creativity----but chat RP? People are depending on me. I can't have *me* being the hold up, it's not fair to them and it makes me look like a fucktard. Or, more of a fucktard than I already am.
Also, no more free layouts, free icons, free crack rock and all the various other bullshit free crap I always *always* rope myself into with full intention on feeling well enough to do it, yet somehow manage to *not* due and then beat the shit out of myself with guilt. I will honour all shit I've already promised but fuck a bunch of the rest of it. Just no.
Why am I not on AIM lately? It's HARD to type live when your arm is shaking, throbbing and all that good stuff. Good thing Christian Kane is going to be at Slayercon---mybe we can discuss 'evil hand issues'. I wonder if it is a good idea to include SG stickers in the giftbaskets I'm planning to hand out?
So. Since my arm hurts like a raging bitch and is all tremoring, throbbing and generally being an asshat, I'm not very good at mailing people back or chatting. So don't be offended, okay? I an NOT ignoring you. Unless I am. Which I'm not.
Totally offtopic (not that I had a topic)How long does it take to recieve the box-o-SG goodness? I'm NOT complaining by any means, but I haven't recieved it yet (I'm assuming all the goodies come in one shipment: stickers, check, panties! (yay) and anything else they stuff in there...) and I am wondering if this is because I have a retarded address. Which i do. I have three street names. Two of which are conflicting directions, like "West North "Blah" Street". ALL our mail gets effed up. ALOT. AND sometimes, if left on our front doorstep, gets stolen.
So. Should I email Missy and ask? I *hate* to be a pain. No, really. I loathe it. But I got the initial email back in September/November that the package was on its way.
Didn't see VanHelsing. (See the overused "too tired".) Went to bed instead. Will do the PPV thing, or just wait until later.
I really should get my arse to the Titanic exhibit. We have free passes. I have a costume. Keven McGinn is expecting me. If I'm not "too t!r*d" I'll try to make it there sometime in the next two weeks. Really.
Need to work on D&D elf outfit for next shoot while I succumb to the endless wait for the Slytherin Sweater (which BETTER get here soon because I wanted to wear it to Slayercon *and* the actual film). Skirt or breeches? I'm thinking skirt. STILL need to locate a bow. Dangit. I should *never* have thrown away that lame-ass fake-ish "pseudo-Dragonlance" bow from high school.
So far we have: dark elf. Braided pieces of hair. Skull beads. tarnished bell-belts and anklets. Tattered gypsy skirt and shirt of black gauze. Leather corset. Leather pointy Skull Boots. Black contacts. Pointy ears. Dagger and bow. Some type of bracers or bracelets.
Also, I'd love to do something with Absinthe. Any ideas that aren't worn out? Maybe an 1830's prostitute?
Oh well.
I made this asninine quiz. It's here, for anyone who cares
Came in an hour early today due to yesterday's car mishap. Found out there was no free coffee. Will now have to wait until Friday to actually eat something besides cheese slices. It's a good thing I like cheese.
Had fitting with seamstress yesterday. Costume fits well, though I wish there would have been enough Sari to make the whole skirt instead of alternating it with pieces of the satin-ish stuff. Makes it not flowy enough and less 'Middle Eastern' looking.
Am contemplating proposing to Foamy. but am too afraid of rejection.

There are !Sues on the .MEOboards. Should I be surprised???
Oh, well.
It's only 8:21 and I have already almost choked on a piece of croissant that SHOT OUT MY NOSE. (Admittedly, that part was funny. Except for the "OMG I can't breathe, can I?" part. Well, even that part was funny if you aren't me.)
Am looking to acquire Hordes of the Underdark now that the D drive mystery is solved. Thanks to Xandraius & Kittengrin
Hexen is here! She got here yesterday! I didn't get to take any pictures yet, I was just (eyeroll) too tired. Again. BUT she is lovely. I don't think I'll be able to make her look like Melora in time for the concert, though. She's naked, save a kimono, and the top of her head has some minor damage---though I can probably ask whomever I have sand/coat/blush/wire her if they can do anything to fix that. It doesn't show, anyway.
I'm looking at Grace to do it, and possibly House of Crysania to do her face.
For clothing, I'm working with Spookychicks. I've given up on finding a Cello for her, though. I can't find one large enough.
Neverwinter Nights is the devil. Say it with me, now.
Am pretty upset that I have to withdraw from most RPs (am tamping up long, apologetic, honest letter) as it is really one of my only outlets, but my health has taken a dive down Thee Pooper. I'm so tired all the time---and my arm-tremors suck. I can't muster up any bit of creativity and it sucks, but I have to try to focus on the Novel. With so little energy I haven't been able to get Chapter 2 posted. (Mostly because I have to convert the whole thing to html format before uploading it to FictionPress). I mean, no one is going to give a rat's ass if I miss some online bullshit guild game----it requires not a LOT of on the spot creativity----but chat RP? People are depending on me. I can't have *me* being the hold up, it's not fair to them and it makes me look like a fucktard. Or, more of a fucktard than I already am.
Also, no more free layouts, free icons, free crack rock and all the various other bullshit free crap I always *always* rope myself into with full intention on feeling well enough to do it, yet somehow manage to *not* due and then beat the shit out of myself with guilt. I will honour all shit I've already promised but fuck a bunch of the rest of it. Just no.
Why am I not on AIM lately? It's HARD to type live when your arm is shaking, throbbing and all that good stuff. Good thing Christian Kane is going to be at Slayercon---mybe we can discuss 'evil hand issues'. I wonder if it is a good idea to include SG stickers in the giftbaskets I'm planning to hand out?

Totally offtopic (not that I had a topic)How long does it take to recieve the box-o-SG goodness? I'm NOT complaining by any means, but I haven't recieved it yet (I'm assuming all the goodies come in one shipment: stickers, check, panties! (yay) and anything else they stuff in there...) and I am wondering if this is because I have a retarded address. Which i do. I have three street names. Two of which are conflicting directions, like "West North "Blah" Street". ALL our mail gets effed up. ALOT. AND sometimes, if left on our front doorstep, gets stolen.
So. Should I email Missy and ask? I *hate* to be a pain. No, really. I loathe it. But I got the initial email back in September/November that the package was on its way.
Didn't see VanHelsing. (See the overused "too tired".) Went to bed instead. Will do the PPV thing, or just wait until later.
I really should get my arse to the Titanic exhibit. We have free passes. I have a costume. Keven McGinn is expecting me. If I'm not "too t!r*d" I'll try to make it there sometime in the next two weeks. Really.
Need to work on D&D elf outfit for next shoot while I succumb to the endless wait for the Slytherin Sweater (which BETTER get here soon because I wanted to wear it to Slayercon *and* the actual film). Skirt or breeches? I'm thinking skirt. STILL need to locate a bow. Dangit. I should *never* have thrown away that lame-ass fake-ish "pseudo-Dragonlance" bow from high school.
So far we have: dark elf. Braided pieces of hair. Skull beads. tarnished bell-belts and anklets. Tattered gypsy skirt and shirt of black gauze. Leather corset. Leather pointy Skull Boots. Black contacts. Pointy ears. Dagger and bow. Some type of bracers or bracelets.
Also, I'd love to do something with Absinthe. Any ideas that aren't worn out? Maybe an 1830's prostitute?
Oh well.
I made this asninine quiz. It's here, for anyone who cares
Glad you didn't choke to death. Would really suck. Hang in there kiddo.
Hope all is well.