Hey, again.
Yesterday was the first Awkward Family Reunion I've ever experienced, and it wasn't as terrible as I expected. It took place in the Southern area of Erie county, where the tractors outnumber the people.
In the interest of being social and enjoying the nice weather (Quoth one of my uncles: "It's nice you decided to come out! I didn't have my hopes up because of, you know, the sun." What a kidder.), I decided to take part in a game of softball; as it would happen, I'm pretty terrible at that sport! It wasn't, however, for lack of trying.
And I know I tried, really, because my shoulders and lower back have been telling me all day.
The job has been going really well. I work with some pretty awesome people, and apparently I picked up everything really quickly. It's nice to see my collegiate mind has put me at some advantage within some domain.
Now I know where all that student loan money's been going!
We had a brief monsoon in Williamsville last night, and because I can be 7-years-old sometimes, I put on some flipflops and went wading around in the fetid flood water.
I mean, I couldn't even remember the last time I had a water-borne pathogen. Clearly I haven't lived in the truest sense of the word.
Yesterday was the first Awkward Family Reunion I've ever experienced, and it wasn't as terrible as I expected. It took place in the Southern area of Erie county, where the tractors outnumber the people.
In the interest of being social and enjoying the nice weather (Quoth one of my uncles: "It's nice you decided to come out! I didn't have my hopes up because of, you know, the sun." What a kidder.), I decided to take part in a game of softball; as it would happen, I'm pretty terrible at that sport! It wasn't, however, for lack of trying.
And I know I tried, really, because my shoulders and lower back have been telling me all day.

The job has been going really well. I work with some pretty awesome people, and apparently I picked up everything really quickly. It's nice to see my collegiate mind has put me at some advantage within some domain.
Now I know where all that student loan money's been going!
We had a brief monsoon in Williamsville last night, and because I can be 7-years-old sometimes, I put on some flipflops and went wading around in the fetid flood water.
I mean, I couldn't even remember the last time I had a water-borne pathogen. Clearly I haven't lived in the truest sense of the word.
also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner
I love rainy days. SO much. My AIM Away lately has been a Prince quote about just that. Damn! I really need to play in some puddles today.
"VICES: Inappropriately joking around with people..." <-- I'm so guilty of the same... it's really not cute.