Wow- two blog entires unseparated by a fortnight; what is the world coming to?
My time as a coffee flunky has begun, and I suppose there's something impressive about my moving on to Liberal Arts Student Graduate School* before completing my undergrad degree. The store seems like a decent place, so I have high hopes at the moment.
The past few days have been relatively uneventful, though I've been receiving** some advances from a person I know. It's making me a little uneasy, because I'm not sure it's something I'd like to pursue. Whatever- I'll see what becomes of it.
On a completely random note, I was able to play New Super Mario Bros. on my friend Wendy's DS-Lite (which is a thing of beauty, despite keeping within the tiresome electronics-industry fetish for white plastic cases) for the first time last night. I'm a big fan. Not enough to run out and turn my checking account into a huge conflagration of biblical proportions, but I wouldn't mind owning it.
1.) Create webcam pay-site
2.) Find creepy internet people to watch me while I dance to their commands like a fleshy marionette.
3.) Take their money.
4.) Acquire DS-Lite/Aforementioned game
It can't fail!
*That is, a coffee shop. I wince in pain from the scathing truth. *wince*
**And accepting, which was probably not a good idea.
My time as a coffee flunky has begun, and I suppose there's something impressive about my moving on to Liberal Arts Student Graduate School* before completing my undergrad degree. The store seems like a decent place, so I have high hopes at the moment.
The past few days have been relatively uneventful, though I've been receiving** some advances from a person I know. It's making me a little uneasy, because I'm not sure it's something I'd like to pursue. Whatever- I'll see what becomes of it.
On a completely random note, I was able to play New Super Mario Bros. on my friend Wendy's DS-Lite (which is a thing of beauty, despite keeping within the tiresome electronics-industry fetish for white plastic cases) for the first time last night. I'm a big fan. Not enough to run out and turn my checking account into a huge conflagration of biblical proportions, but I wouldn't mind owning it.
1.) Create webcam pay-site
2.) Find creepy internet people to watch me while I dance to their commands like a fleshy marionette.
3.) Take their money.
4.) Acquire DS-Lite/Aforementioned game
It can't fail!
*That is, a coffee shop. I wince in pain from the scathing truth. *wince*
**And accepting, which was probably not a good idea.

Yeah, but don't you think you'd get more tips if you did it in the buff? More tips == DS-lite...

Now that I've had a chance to think about it, hot coffee on the boys might not be worth the DS...