well its no under two weeks until we go to usa! i cant wait!!
for those of you that didnt read my earlier post, heres the route (roughly):
minnesota, north and south dakota, wyoming, colorado, new mexico, arizona, nevada, california. if anyone wants to hang with me and my gf then holla in a message
or if you have tips on what to do and where it would be awesome
im bringing some camera gear too.
anyone of you americans wants to meet?
for those of you that didnt read my earlier post, heres the route (roughly):
minnesota, north and south dakota, wyoming, colorado, new mexico, arizona, nevada, california. if anyone wants to hang with me and my gf then holla in a message

im bringing some camera gear too.
anyone of you americans wants to meet?

I'm in Southern Cali ( Los Angeles / Orange County ) Let me know when you'll be around!
gonna miss y'all in NYC. post awesome pics of your visit!