Oh well HELLO THERE!!! Yes i am still very much alive!
I have not been updating or writing anything here lately and i am terribly sorry about that
I have sooo much to say and show so i think ill be doing one thing at a time.
First of all here is a quick what i have been doing lately and what i will be doing:
- i have bought new studio flashes with lots of accesories
- done an awesome shoot in the opera in oslo, norway
- finally got my website up and running
- started a new blog
- started updating my flickr weekly with tons of never before seen photos on the web
- my band has got a full lineup, new song, new myspace, new logo, everything - on its way!!
- ill be shooting a wedding next weekend
- a band promo too 50's style boxing theme
- GOING TO FUCKING U-S an A THIS SUMMER ON A 3 WEEK ROADTRIP!!!!!! Me and Jessica will be travelling through North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexica, Arizona, Nevada and California. If you are in or near any of these states please holla at me and lets hang out! We can show you how we rock in the home of the vikings
Meanwhile, check out my website and friend me on facebook

I have not been updating or writing anything here lately and i am terribly sorry about that

I have sooo much to say and show so i think ill be doing one thing at a time.
First of all here is a quick what i have been doing lately and what i will be doing:
- i have bought new studio flashes with lots of accesories
- done an awesome shoot in the opera in oslo, norway
- finally got my website up and running
- started a new blog
- started updating my flickr weekly with tons of never before seen photos on the web
- my band has got a full lineup, new song, new myspace, new logo, everything - on its way!!
- ill be shooting a wedding next weekend
- a band promo too 50's style boxing theme
- GOING TO FUCKING U-S an A THIS SUMMER ON A 3 WEEK ROADTRIP!!!!!! Me and Jessica will be travelling through North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexica, Arizona, Nevada and California. If you are in or near any of these states please holla at me and lets hang out! We can show you how we rock in the home of the vikings


Meanwhile, check out my website and friend me on facebook
