Eirian is back!!! ....Well, sorta...kinda...
Hello, my sugar pops!
I got back from my visit with my family on Saturday. Then I went to see Craigie...I love him!!! He is so fucking awesome!!! And extremely tall in person...he looks way smaller on TV. Check him out on "The Late Late Show:" Click me for Craig Wonderfulness!.
In other news, I have been working a lot of extra hours this week because the program that I work for is up for a State Inspection...
Now I am not only a counselor...I am a maid. What is it about cleaning that puts one in a foul mood...I have been crabby all week...I still am, a bit. Jeez...and now I got suckered into pulling another 24hour shift. I get to sleep as long as everything is calm...but still! So, I will be going in at 4pm today and getting off at 4pm tomorrow.
I am also, having a lot of drama at home...I suck at the whole human relationship thing.
I mean, I just keep fucking up and doing the wrong things. And its not even the normal wrong things...its fucking weird shit...that I just do or say...I have no filter and I can't hide my feelings. I don't think there is anyone in this world who can understand me and that includes me! I am not even sure there is anyone who can tolerate me for more than a year or two.
Eirian Update:
I drew this for Vanessa for her Birthday:

Aparently, she didn't have such a good birthday though...I hope she gets better.
Here is the colored version of the picture Norritt did of me. He is spectacular!

I am supposed to be doing a shoot with Brooklyn on the 29th. I will also get to see Ryker and Dierdre in action. I can't wait! I have an outfit picked out...gosh...I am extremely excited...thats next weekend. I hope it is still on and that it all works out.
And now for something completely different:
Why does Eirian want to be a Suicide Girl?
Why does one need to know?
Can one do something just because, it is there to do?
In all seriousness, I want to be a suicide girl because I feel I have a good chance. I love this site, I love the fact that you don't have to be a big boobed, blond bimbo to model on this site. Blonds with big boobs are not so bad, but they are every where. I love to see natural beauty, girls with lots of curves, tattoos, small tits...the whole nine. I love coming to this site because I can be me, unfiltered, and naked. This is who I am, and yes I am an alien, don't forget it. Eirian is Eirian! "Love me there is no one else." <--Who knows where this quote is from? BTW: I love quotes, in case you hadn't noticed. I always try to put a new one at the end of my blogs. I would be tickled if anyone ever recognized them. I think one person did...it was a Sea Lab Quote.
Any way, (Also a word I like for some odd reason.) The Dice set was my first set, it was my first time posing naked for a camera...I was nervous. I wished it would have gotten accepted but I see its flaws. However, my photographer put a lot of time into that set, so I would be very happy it it got a second chance but I won't push that one.
I put a lot of thought, money (some $), and effort in to the Queen set, I felt it depicted a nasty side of me that has been very real in my past. It also showed my slightly off sense of humor. I love that set...I want it to be accepted with all of my heart (no pun intended.) I want to get the reward for the effort...and I am not talking about the money although that is nice too, but if SG accepted my set and did not pay me for this first one. You know, just gave me SG status, I would be very happy with that.
Becoming a Suicide Girl is a goal I have given myself and I am not ready to give up yet. There is also the perks of being a SG. The events, chilling with other SGs, doing a set with another SG...and of course there is the vanity. Deep inside, I am vain...I like seeing that people think I am pretty...I want more people to see my pictures. Every girl has a little sense of vanity, and a little is fun. This site makes me happy, I love the people.
Alright, some of my reasoning is shallow, but I hope it is reason enough. I also think that I just get along well on this site...so, how is that?

Queen of DIAMONDS!
Last Checked: 115 comments.

Dice, Dice, Baby!
Last Checked: 87 comments.
I just started thanking people, I got through the first page on the Queen set, I will try to get everyone as soon as I can. I will be gone most of the weekend...I have to work.
I will try to get online there but I doubt I will be able to.
I also have a butt load of messages to respond to, so those of you who have sent me messages: I am not ignoring you...I will get back to you...I just haven't had the time to read them all and respond. I love you all, I hope to be back soon.
This song makes Eirian's heart sing:
"Thunder Road" Bruuuuuuce!
And...I came across this one when looking for Thunder Road. It's fucking awesome! I hadn't heard it in a while.
I just noticed how to do that! Told you, "the dumbest and the smartest." (Watch it not work...it didn't the first time...gotta love the edit button.)
"Going your days, grow up!" <--- Give me a guess, come on. Hint: Anime
Hello, my sugar pops!
I got back from my visit with my family on Saturday. Then I went to see Craigie...I love him!!! He is so fucking awesome!!! And extremely tall in person...he looks way smaller on TV. Check him out on "The Late Late Show:" Click me for Craig Wonderfulness!.
In other news, I have been working a lot of extra hours this week because the program that I work for is up for a State Inspection...

I am also, having a lot of drama at home...I suck at the whole human relationship thing.

Eirian Update:
I drew this for Vanessa for her Birthday:

Aparently, she didn't have such a good birthday though...I hope she gets better.

Here is the colored version of the picture Norritt did of me. He is spectacular!

I am supposed to be doing a shoot with Brooklyn on the 29th. I will also get to see Ryker and Dierdre in action. I can't wait! I have an outfit picked out...gosh...I am extremely excited...thats next weekend. I hope it is still on and that it all works out.
And now for something completely different:
Why does Eirian want to be a Suicide Girl?
Why does one need to know?
Can one do something just because, it is there to do?
In all seriousness, I want to be a suicide girl because I feel I have a good chance. I love this site, I love the fact that you don't have to be a big boobed, blond bimbo to model on this site. Blonds with big boobs are not so bad, but they are every where. I love to see natural beauty, girls with lots of curves, tattoos, small tits...the whole nine. I love coming to this site because I can be me, unfiltered, and naked. This is who I am, and yes I am an alien, don't forget it. Eirian is Eirian! "Love me there is no one else." <--Who knows where this quote is from? BTW: I love quotes, in case you hadn't noticed. I always try to put a new one at the end of my blogs. I would be tickled if anyone ever recognized them. I think one person did...it was a Sea Lab Quote.
Any way, (Also a word I like for some odd reason.) The Dice set was my first set, it was my first time posing naked for a camera...I was nervous. I wished it would have gotten accepted but I see its flaws. However, my photographer put a lot of time into that set, so I would be very happy it it got a second chance but I won't push that one.
I put a lot of thought, money (some $), and effort in to the Queen set, I felt it depicted a nasty side of me that has been very real in my past. It also showed my slightly off sense of humor. I love that set...I want it to be accepted with all of my heart (no pun intended.) I want to get the reward for the effort...and I am not talking about the money although that is nice too, but if SG accepted my set and did not pay me for this first one. You know, just gave me SG status, I would be very happy with that.
Becoming a Suicide Girl is a goal I have given myself and I am not ready to give up yet. There is also the perks of being a SG. The events, chilling with other SGs, doing a set with another SG...and of course there is the vanity. Deep inside, I am vain...I like seeing that people think I am pretty...I want more people to see my pictures. Every girl has a little sense of vanity, and a little is fun. This site makes me happy, I love the people.
Alright, some of my reasoning is shallow, but I hope it is reason enough. I also think that I just get along well on this site...so, how is that?

Queen of DIAMONDS!
Last Checked: 115 comments.

Dice, Dice, Baby!
Last Checked: 87 comments.
I just started thanking people, I got through the first page on the Queen set, I will try to get everyone as soon as I can. I will be gone most of the weekend...I have to work.

I also have a butt load of messages to respond to, so those of you who have sent me messages: I am not ignoring you...I will get back to you...I just haven't had the time to read them all and respond. I love you all, I hope to be back soon.
This song makes Eirian's heart sing:

"Thunder Road" Bruuuuuuce!
And...I came across this one when looking for Thunder Road. It's fucking awesome! I hadn't heard it in a while.
I just noticed how to do that! Told you, "the dumbest and the smartest." (Watch it not work...it didn't the first time...gotta love the edit button.)


"Going your days, grow up!" <--- Give me a guess, come on. Hint: Anime

Best of luck, E.

Yeah, I'm a pretty lucky guy.