Thunder is booming, rain is falling, and lightening is flashing. There is something verry primal and unsettling about a thunder storm. I love it!
Eirian update:
SG staff got back to me and it seems they have misplaced my set.
They are gonna look for it again, but sugessted that I have my photographer re-submit it. Jen is sick at the moment so I don't want to burden her too much. But man...WTF? I don't know what to do. I hope they accept it when they recieve it because this is getting crazy.
I know they are swamped, though.
I forgot to mention in my last blog that I had a good time with LustEye. She came to my dwelling and we looked at SGs, watched Tenchi Muyo, and I made sausage fried rice. It was fun, she is the first SG member to have visited Eirian in her dwelling. We should do it again, lovely.
I am going to a SG convention with my best SG pal Ryker this Saturday. I hope we have fun and maybe I can meet some chickies that can help me get the Eirian show on the road. ~Fingers crossed~
I am hoping to meet ScottSmallin in a few weeks, he is coming up to shoot Ryker, a two girl of Ryker and I, and hopefully a solo of me. Ryker and I have some things planned out. I am very excited. I hope this work out, I can't wait!
Eirian still feels a bit off...for this, she is sorry...but it is fading.
However, I have gotten back into playing mindless games like Pokemon Red Rescue Team as a result.
And, I just ordered a Sega Game Gear from Amazon. I am really excited about it. When I had it as a kid, one of my mother's, friend's kids fucking broke it! Little Ass Hole! My mom didn't have the money to replace it for a while, then forgot about it. Now, I can finally play one again!
What baffles me is how awesome the Game Gear was compared to the Game Boy, it wasn't until years later that Game Boy came in color. So, yeah I am still an uber dork.
Eirian wants to share some laughter:
TV's Craig Ferguson...Eirian loves him so!
Carpet Bomb them with Fart Jokes! <-- Best
Donald Rumsfeld
Sex on a Plane!
No Bond Gagets!!
Bleeping Beavers!
NFL Red Zone
Gay Tele Tubby
"Hi, everybody. Welcome to Los Angeles California, welcome to The Late Late Show. I'm your host, TV's Craig Ferguson. Please, sit down, relax...take off your pants...I'm coming over!"

Eirian update:
SG staff got back to me and it seems they have misplaced my set.

I forgot to mention in my last blog that I had a good time with LustEye. She came to my dwelling and we looked at SGs, watched Tenchi Muyo, and I made sausage fried rice. It was fun, she is the first SG member to have visited Eirian in her dwelling. We should do it again, lovely.

I am going to a SG convention with my best SG pal Ryker this Saturday. I hope we have fun and maybe I can meet some chickies that can help me get the Eirian show on the road. ~Fingers crossed~

I am hoping to meet ScottSmallin in a few weeks, he is coming up to shoot Ryker, a two girl of Ryker and I, and hopefully a solo of me. Ryker and I have some things planned out. I am very excited. I hope this work out, I can't wait!
Eirian still feels a bit off...for this, she is sorry...but it is fading.
However, I have gotten back into playing mindless games like Pokemon Red Rescue Team as a result.

Eirian wants to share some laughter:
TV's Craig Ferguson...Eirian loves him so!

Carpet Bomb them with Fart Jokes! <-- Best
Donald Rumsfeld
Sex on a Plane!
No Bond Gagets!!

Bleeping Beavers!
NFL Red Zone
Gay Tele Tubby

"Hi, everybody. Welcome to Los Angeles California, welcome to The Late Late Show. I'm your host, TV's Craig Ferguson. Please, sit down, relax...take off your pants...I'm coming over!"

I love all the Craig Ferguson stuff. He's adorable. I love him too
Enjoy the rest of your week and the weekend.