Eirian is back!!!!
Man I had a rough fucking week! The class was grueling, 8 hours per day...my mind melted.
Then, get this shit! I got rear ended on Monday! Yes, more proof that Eirian is some how cursed in a weird way. My poor car, she can't take much more Captain.
So, my mind melted. Then I had to do a 24 hour shift this weekend.
My mind has just partially solidified again...so I am able to come back to you my lovelies.
Eirian Suicide Update: I still haven't heard any thing.
I suppose I will just wait the 30 days and then e-mail SG staff to see what's up. "Hey pig, hey pig, piggy pig...yeah you."
I visited with my friends Loki and Mike while I was in Baltimore...we had fun.
However, my brain meltage was very apparent. Loki had to explain to me several times what we were looking for at the mall...I just kept forgetting. I was quite out of it.
Also, Mike used me to go into Bath and Body Works because he needed Man lotion. He had been apparently wanting to go for a while but did not have the balls to go in a girly store alone.
But the best thing was that I came across two hentai DVDs that were on sale for $9.99!
If you are a heantai collector, as I am...you know that is a super good deal that you can't pass up. The DVDs were "Beast City". Eirian gives this hentai two nipples way up!
It was just what I needed to relaxa little! There was a lot of Yuri, Vampire and Daemon sex...oh it was awesome. I masturbated successfully three times. I haven't done that in months so it was like achieving Nirvana...for real.
Last night I watched "Snakes on a Plane" for the first time. That movie was fucking hilarious! Eirian giggled many times! Best part. --> Muther fucking Snakes!. I love Samuel L. Jackson, especially in "Pulp Fiction" --> BMF.
Oh, and what a surprise! I come back and Ryker's set went live!
I love Ryker! I can't wait to work with her again! She is the bestest!
She adopted a rat from one of my clients, I surprised her yesterday by buying her a bunch of supplies for the rat, but I know she will take good care of her. We are going to go and pick out another rat so, her rat will have a friend.
Plus, Ryker is going to do my hair sometime this week. We shall see.
I can't wait.
One last note! Here are some of the pictures from the shoot I did with Ryker. These are the individual shots of me, the ones of Ryker and I together should be coming soon. Eirian is so pale, though. Yet, I like being pale.
These are a few of Eirian's favorites. To see some more go to this album. --> Just Eirian
Eirian would like some feed back on the pictures so, message her and tell her which ones you like.
"I am gettin tired of these muther fucking snakes on this muther fucking plane!"
Man I had a rough fucking week! The class was grueling, 8 hours per day...my mind melted.

So, my mind melted. Then I had to do a 24 hour shift this weekend.

Eirian Suicide Update: I still haven't heard any thing.

I visited with my friends Loki and Mike while I was in Baltimore...we had fun.

Last night I watched "Snakes on a Plane" for the first time. That movie was fucking hilarious! Eirian giggled many times! Best part. --> Muther fucking Snakes!. I love Samuel L. Jackson, especially in "Pulp Fiction" --> BMF.
Oh, and what a surprise! I come back and Ryker's set went live!

One last note! Here are some of the pictures from the shoot I did with Ryker. These are the individual shots of me, the ones of Ryker and I together should be coming soon. Eirian is so pale, though. Yet, I like being pale.

These are a few of Eirian's favorites. To see some more go to this album. --> Just Eirian
Eirian would like some feed back on the pictures so, message her and tell her which ones you like.


"I am gettin tired of these muther fucking snakes on this muther fucking plane!"
Hey Lovely, It was fun going to PetSmart, Petco & Starbucks with you! I had fun. I can't believe you caught that rat like that
it was a good catch. Hanging out at your place was fun, you have cute kitties!!
We should hang out more, now that I know where to go.. haha well I should get to sleep I do have classes in a few hours.. haha 

i heard from someone "bad things happen in three" .since 3 bad things happen to you, you have nonthing more to worry about.