Autobots, transform and roll out!!
Eirian Alert:
I am about to embark on a 15 week class, crammed into one week! So, I will be gone for the next week...well, Monday-Friday. The class will be from 8:30am-5pm.
I hope I make it. is some entertainment:
DeltaIV posted this awesome video on my last blog:
(Hope this works) Oh so, that video made me laugh so hard I fell off the couch! I watched it like 8 times!
Thank you DeltaIV!
That video sparked me to watch videos all that night. Here are some of my favorites:
Prostate Cancer
Dinobots are Stupid!
BoHeamn Rhapsody
Galvatron Vs. Beavis
Am I the only one who remembers these?
The lill' Bits
Perversions of Science <-- I really miss this show.
I hope you enjoy! I will catch you on the flip side!
"Sleeping Beauty awakes with lovers kiss on her lips. Your kiss was taking from me, now all I have it this..."
In case you hadn't noticed...Eirian LOVES the Boss.

Eirian Alert:
I am about to embark on a 15 week class, crammed into one week! So, I will be gone for the next week...well, Monday-Friday. The class will be from 8:30am-5pm. is some entertainment:
DeltaIV posted this awesome video on my last blog:
(Hope this works) Oh so, that video made me laugh so hard I fell off the couch! I watched it like 8 times!

That video sparked me to watch videos all that night. Here are some of my favorites:
Prostate Cancer
Dinobots are Stupid!
BoHeamn Rhapsody
Galvatron Vs. Beavis
Am I the only one who remembers these?
The lill' Bits
Perversions of Science <-- I really miss this show.
I hope you enjoy! I will catch you on the flip side!
"Sleeping Beauty awakes with lovers kiss on her lips. Your kiss was taking from me, now all I have it this..."
In case you hadn't noticed...Eirian LOVES the Boss.

I was with Eirian last night, and she is currently unable to access the internet. She will return on Friday, with new stories. Like how she got into a minor car accident.
... yes, again.