I just posted some of my artistic creations.
I could not figure out how to create a new album...rather every time I tried it just didn't work. So, I just changed "Crapola!!!" into "Eirian Art."
Any who, check it out --> Eirian Art
There are some original Eirian creations:
And some fan art, with an Eirian twist:
I have a lot more to scan in including hentai and more fan art of Vanessa. I still need to color most of them. I also plan to create more SG fan art of Ryker, Morgan, Nana and others.
In other news, I just finished a paper...I have 2 more papers and 3 final exams before I am through this semester.
I may unfortunately have to bring Roma (my laptop) with me to the party and work on a paper...not for the whole time...just off and on. I can't wait do be done with school!
Catch you on the flip side.
You gotta watch this!!! --> Cute Elephant!!
I just posted some of my artistic creations.

Any who, check it out --> Eirian Art
There are some original Eirian creations:

And some fan art, with an Eirian twist:

I have a lot more to scan in including hentai and more fan art of Vanessa. I still need to color most of them. I also plan to create more SG fan art of Ryker, Morgan, Nana and others.
In other news, I just finished a paper...I have 2 more papers and 3 final exams before I am through this semester.

Catch you on the flip side.

You gotta watch this!!! --> Cute Elephant!!
i love the elephaaaaaaants
i have a collection of elephants that my boyfriend give me
thanks for add me girl