I just finished browsing a lot of the lovely Suicide Girls and I finally finished me favorites list...there are so many...I need more room. This was a fun and relaxing morning, I must say though...Vanessa is still my all time favorite, she is just so amazingly appealing to me. After Vanessa comes Opaque (a real beauty), Corralee (totally hot, down to earth), Maria and Cailin...just so preeeeettyyyyy.
Alas, I have to get ready for work, I don't wanna go. I just want to vege out all day, messing around on the internet and playing Pokemon on my SP...when ever I am on break from school, I pick up the most mindless hobbies. Like playing Pokemon, what could be more mindless? It makes me happy in a strange and dorkish way.
"And it's the simplest ideas that take the greatest intelligence you know. I mean, forget Marvin. I'm the one you know, the intelligent one. When I go to bed at night I don't need to read a book. I just glance through my brain for half an hour."
- Ford

Alas, I have to get ready for work, I don't wanna go. I just want to vege out all day, messing around on the internet and playing Pokemon on my SP...when ever I am on break from school, I pick up the most mindless hobbies. Like playing Pokemon, what could be more mindless? It makes me happy in a strange and dorkish way.


"And it's the simplest ideas that take the greatest intelligence you know. I mean, forget Marvin. I'm the one you know, the intelligent one. When I go to bed at night I don't need to read a book. I just glance through my brain for half an hour."
- Ford
Thank you for the add! Its always a good thing to run into another person!