I'm pretty sure that last night, i dreamt my best friend was trying to kill me.
this may have something to do with the devatation that filled my soul last night, upon realizing there are no more new Arrested Development episodes to watch.
it would be cool if extra hours were added to the days leading up to the end of a semester. I'm behind, and it's stressing me out. maybe i should camp out in my studio, because i will be perpetually distracted by thinking about my obligations until they get done.
The weather is lovely, and life is fascinating, and i have to go before i'm late and miss my mini-field trip.
this may have something to do with the devatation that filled my soul last night, upon realizing there are no more new Arrested Development episodes to watch.
it would be cool if extra hours were added to the days leading up to the end of a semester. I'm behind, and it's stressing me out. maybe i should camp out in my studio, because i will be perpetually distracted by thinking about my obligations until they get done.
The weather is lovely, and life is fascinating, and i have to go before i'm late and miss my mini-field trip.
we should hang out soon!
i was told the 3rd season will be on DVD this month or next!