i love these two ladies:
SPOILERS! (Click to view) my little sis, i love her she is crazy fly by the seat of your pants... she rocks she's as real as they come. fucking little lunatic......michelle, sexy woman i love you tooo. your a beauty and your smarter then me and you know shit and your leaving me ya bitch
nat this ones for you:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)

i now have these in my possesion and man am i stocked...it only took 2 months.
what do you do when your x boyfriend who is one of your best friends is coming to town and your current boyfriend is jealous of the x boyfriend even though he has never met him before... i think you shouldnt put them in the same small unit for a week that is for sure. on the 15th my two favourite people in the entire world get here on the same freaking day !!!!!! ooo ooo ooo
how cute is this little bear cub:

[SPOILER] even on his side, riding a camel for the first time... ha ha ha ha
soob is the first fashion parade i have ever been in, the timing couldnt have been better, its the same week that the first range is delivered to stores, but im fucking loosing my mind in this craziness im all over the place.
everyone keep the 17th free it would be tops if some of you could come.
this is how many people are leaving brisbane at the end of the year or sooner:
xxxxxxxxx luke
what the fuck is with that, not to mention all the selfish pricks that already left, this town is so tranient. people allways come and go, the question is WHY am i still here. i have a mortgage and a business here far out.... tooooo much effort to move. well if i could be bothered i would definitely be moving far away not just to the other side of oz.

ya the movie went well...fun but stressful
imiss the cast and crew already!!
how are you lovely?!