you will be missed.
ever have motion sickness while you sit infront of the computer?
its not really motion sickness, and its not from using the computer for too long... but its the only way i can describe this feeling. i only get this every now and again, and its only really noticeable in front of a screen, or looking through a window.
- my chest is very heavy, as if theres something is under my ribs grabbing my internals like my heart and lungs. not enough to be in pain, but enough to be uncomfortable.
- as i look at the text i type the words seem unusually large at certain points, to the point that it frightens me to look at the text. <br>
- sitting in my chair i feel as if im leaning back, but without actually leaning back, like the room is tilted forward towards me. i feel like the computer screen is glaring at me, leaning further towards me, almost as if the room is going to suddenly tilt backwards and everything is going to come at me. i can also feel this feeling in my head, as if my brain is also being pulled backwards/ tilting.
i dont have these feelings very often, but they've always disturbed me, and i can't link them to anything particular in terms of recent events or stresses. could i be having a panic attack, or some sort of anxiety issue?
i did take a vicadin and naproxen (went to the ER for back strain) earlier today and my stomach has been feeling weird all day, but i've had these feelings before for many years at random times.