Damn, had to get up to be at work by 6:30. What corporate asshole decided that the day after people partied, got sloshed, and actually had a day off was ideal to open up a mall at 7:00 am. As far as I can tell, the only people haunting the hall's of that over media saturated, holiday drowned ho ho hell hole were fellow corporate employed jerks wondering about the same thing as me about then. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for deciding to be a cog in a larger machine. I spin to make over-bloated ceo millionares who wipe there asses with my yearly pay (but still seem to have to rip off the companies they work for) an extra dollar or two around bonus time. What is this? In greenspan we trust? Hell no! Damn the man! Fight the power! So what am I doing now? Flooding my congressman with notes? Picketing in front of the mayors office? Getting fellow like minded slobs to sign harrowing petitions? No, I am bitching to all of you on the internet. I guess my moral is," a hamster can run on his wheel all he wants, but until he can figure out how to pick the lock, he will never be free."