Help me out!
Some people who are in the Genderfuck group here on SG may recognize this Sex ID Test. I took it and was really surprised by my results (a score of 25 on the male end of the spectrum, as opposed to the average 50 on the female end for a genetic woman.)
The test isn't perfect but it's pretty interesting nonetheless. I'm writing a research paper about gender right now and I need to include either an interview or a survey, and if I can get enough people to take this test and report their results, I'd rather do a survey than an interview.
I won't be mentioning names or anything, just looking at people's scores.
here's the link again: Sex ID Test
i need an equal # of MALES and FEMALES to take the test. (let me know if you're trans or don't identify with your biological sex, because in that case this test is probably even more interesting.)
if you do take it just msg me with your results or leave a comment here, or email me at eighdrien(AT)gmail(DOT)com.
thank you SOOOO much to anyone who helps me out on this one.
p.s. i'm in a coffee shop right now and they're playing "man on the moon" by R.E.M.
Some people who are in the Genderfuck group here on SG may recognize this Sex ID Test. I took it and was really surprised by my results (a score of 25 on the male end of the spectrum, as opposed to the average 50 on the female end for a genetic woman.)
The test isn't perfect but it's pretty interesting nonetheless. I'm writing a research paper about gender right now and I need to include either an interview or a survey, and if I can get enough people to take this test and report their results, I'd rather do a survey than an interview.

here's the link again: Sex ID Test
i need an equal # of MALES and FEMALES to take the test. (let me know if you're trans or don't identify with your biological sex, because in that case this test is probably even more interesting.)
if you do take it just msg me with your results or leave a comment here, or email me at eighdrien(AT)gmail(DOT)com.
thank you SOOOO much to anyone who helps me out on this one.
p.s. i'm in a coffee shop right now and they're playing "man on the moon" by R.E.M.

50 on the male side.

I scored a 0. I guess i really am androgynous..either that or i confused it. lol