scrub that last bit of bollox, i managed to get it all sorted including the primadonna requests of those who should know better.
So off to Donington for a weekend of rock, should be fun, will be busy and will undoubtedly bump into many SG's and members who i will either not recognise, storm past on a mission or just get an attack of random...
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haha nope, not a regular, she lives in denmark. she's actually at download this weekend, was just passing through london en route.

hope you're digging download -- did you catch slunt?
Hey that's ok. I understand that unlike the rest of us, you were actually doing a job there. Hehe. I had a fantastic weekend. Did you? It all got a little too cold on Sunday for me. Damn you VIPs! wink.
How good is the 7 minute version of the video for 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' by Green Day. Got to be album of the year contender too

tonight SOAD at Brixton Academy kicking off a metal weekend, nice warm up to download
SOAD, that's gotta be a good show. You out Saturday, I should be around, we should catch up soon, now that I have some time on my hands.
Good to see you the other night!

That drink was especially welcome as well since I had just run out of money thanks to the Scala's drink prices! biggrin biggrin biggrin
Just back from Slovakia... currently booking up all flights to Slovakia

How awesome is that place, but playing football in 35C heat is stupid, saying that winning 5-0 makes it seem better. Chilling with Mojitos at 5am sat outside with the most gorgeous women is the life i like to lead.
pics to come for the odd one or two who may be interested.
You mean...my ghetto booty? LOL Yeah, I'm rather fond of it myself actually...you know...it's nice and cushiony to sit on! lol although it does make finding pants that fit right very difficult sometimes! lol

DAMN! That's gotta suck! I hope nothing of yours was ruined!
Argh! Ditto above: I hope nothing of yours was damaged. Some of these people are unbelievable; my landlord has similar tendencies but seems able to recognise what will become major if not left .... so far.
So that's disruption to you then while it's sorted.
Pressure to get a 'proper job' is mounting from certain areas. Why? Apparently it is due to the lack of pension and job security.

my reply of 'i would rather be die on the streets happy in my work, rather than be dead inside doing a 9-5 office job' didn't go down to well but was accepted.

my goal in life is not to amass...
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Excellent, be nice to see some familiar faces!
Maybe see ya later.
It was a really good night. Got drunk, played well. Quite a good turnout as well.
Why wont my van start? I don't know!!
Why did I lay in bed until noon? Cause I drank too much last night.....

yesterday i headed up to Birmingham for a gig in our new van.

Van was cool, gig was good but our agent is totally underselling the band. Hopefully the new US agent will up the stakes.

What's your favourite venue and why?
Can you not change your agent, or get him to push a bit harder?

I used to like Dingwalls. When I first went there, 20+ years ago, it was possible to go up to the gallery (or whatever it was called) and watch the gig from the front. Not many went up there so there was a good view & no crush or being constantly jogged. There were tables up there each with its own light then. I did that twice then they started keeping folk downstairs. Haven't been there for ages.
Football bad, apparently

In other news why do people, particularly older people, more often than not older ladies have the impression that by bending their knees they are running? They seem oblivious to the fact they are moving the same speed and now look stupid to boot

firewire hub, so simple so why did it take me so long and so much plugging unplugging bollox...
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Hi kiss
awwwww shades all day? poor baby! KISSES for you! kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
It's a dangersous game you play, posting stuff about football here wink
hmm interesting
Hmm-mm? Is that parsnip meant to be wedged there? shocked

I know what you mean about The old Elton John & Bernie Taupin stuff. I like a few of his more recent songs but the older ones had a lot more 'edge' - you could get excited when listening to them. His recent stuff are more the kind of songs to go with a mug of cocoa.

[Edited on May 01, 2005 11:27PM]