This is the most stressfull time of year for my german shep. She just freaks out at all teh people coming to teh door. My husley mix loves it. It runs out on the lawn and says hello to everyone. He is very charming and handsom too. The other day he smotherd the UPS delivery man with love then nearly got in teh truck with him.
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 29, 2006
I love the posh. I hate the comment pop up method thing. I can't stan… -
Tuesday Jul 04, 2006
happy 4th to all the US folks. I have no plans and I'm on call for w… -
Saturday Jun 24, 2006
Just got back from DR testing. 8:00am - 11:00pm. Pros: I get a c… -
Sunday May 14, 2006
It's cold and rainy today I've been up since 6:00am and it's only 9:1… -
Saturday Mar 18, 2006
I had a post here and I lost it. I have to disable this touchpad tap… -
Monday Mar 13, 2006
therapy and psychiatrist today, back to back. talk about draining. I'… -
Thursday Mar 09, 2006
I deleted my myspace account because that ste is fucking horrible for… -
Saturday Mar 04, 2006
My therapy appointment was cancelled today. Part of me says "thank go… -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
so google has now which lets you create a webpage wi… -
Sunday Feb 26, 2006
I'm fixing someones computer and actually getting paid for it this ti…