work is nuts.
I am doing a 50 state comparison of public participation intiatives in voluntary cleanup programs for brownfields (that dont qualify for CERCLA/superfund) to prepare to promulgate a rule for such actions here in jersey. aye ye ye. Also trying to figure out if anystates have homeowner exemptions for the rare case when a homeowner is actually in a brownfield and a responsible party, since they are ussually exempted.
I am doing a 50 state comparison of public participation intiatives in voluntary cleanup programs for brownfields (that dont qualify for CERCLA/superfund) to prepare to promulgate a rule for such actions here in jersey. aye ye ye. Also trying to figure out if anystates have homeowner exemptions for the rare case when a homeowner is actually in a brownfield and a responsible party, since they are ussually exempted.
Yeah. I don't get it. If the whole physics class has an average of 50 out of a 100, and that's a passing score, does that mean we learned anything? Why don't they just make it easier! Hmph.
yeah i know, but i just switched from taking them at night to taking them in the morning... so it's not habit yet.