Rain at last! It needed a little water to bless the city ...
Nice day to play with honey? you who believe?
last year photos, taken by the beautiful Smash.
the family (my friend marujein, my boyfriend and me)
I feel very happy, I wish you good vibes and much love ... kisses
Nice day to play with honey? you who believe?
last year photos, taken by the beautiful Smash.
the family (my friend marujein, my boyfriend and me)

I feel very happy, I wish you good vibes and much love ... kisses

Por cierto, me he fijado en la frase que tienes puesta y....totalmente de acuerdo! Nadie te puede quitar tu libertad si la llevas dentro, igual que nadie puede imponrtela si en tu mente ests enjaulado.
Buena reflexin!
Y t cmo vas? (a dems de bellsima, claro