Finally 2007 is over! For some reason I feel like I barely made it, tho I was never in any real danger or anything. Well all I know is since yesterday I've felt like a HUGE weight was lifted off my shoulders. More on that stuff later........
Christmas was great! Full of food, family, and parties. I took my cat on the road for the first time ever! that was fun to say the least. He wasn't too too bad. On the way there he just hung out on his blanket and slept. But on the way back he was curious about EVERYTHING! Then we got the bright idea that he wanted to go the the bathroom so we should let him out of the car for a while (on a make shift leash). Soooooo (despite my instinct that it was a terrible idea) we let him out. So I'm outside like an idiot at a truck stop in central NY with a cat on a leash, when the cat completely freaks out and dips under a truck.
So I had to get get down on the dirty ground and pull him from under the rear wheel. Not fun, not fun at all.
Anyway back to Christmas, there was an awesome party the Sat before. Every year this party getst better and better. Open Bar, strippers, and C+C music Factory as guest performers! (Yeah
C+C music factorty weird right?) Well we rocked out till 4 and I barely realized that the fire alarm was going off in the hotel when we returned.
The rest of the holiday was the normal family stuff and house parites with friends.
Fast forward to NYE...................
As usual I paried with my girls, but nothing too crazy. I don't have the pleasure of seeing some drunk girl sit on my drink. I would have made her buy me a new one if she weren't completely trashed. I mean she didn't even know that she had Jack Daniels all over her, so i decided not to press the issue.
And thats were we are now or at least where I started.................its 2008 and I feel this huge weight lifted. I don't have a resolution, but if I did it would be to do all the stuff I really want to do. No more working too much, and worrying about stuff, I wasted too much of 07 doing that.
Christmas was great! Full of food, family, and parties. I took my cat on the road for the first time ever! that was fun to say the least. He wasn't too too bad. On the way there he just hung out on his blanket and slept. But on the way back he was curious about EVERYTHING! Then we got the bright idea that he wanted to go the the bathroom so we should let him out of the car for a while (on a make shift leash). Soooooo (despite my instinct that it was a terrible idea) we let him out. So I'm outside like an idiot at a truck stop in central NY with a cat on a leash, when the cat completely freaks out and dips under a truck.
So I had to get get down on the dirty ground and pull him from under the rear wheel. Not fun, not fun at all.
Anyway back to Christmas, there was an awesome party the Sat before. Every year this party getst better and better. Open Bar, strippers, and C+C music Factory as guest performers! (Yeah

The rest of the holiday was the normal family stuff and house parites with friends.
Fast forward to NYE...................
As usual I paried with my girls, but nothing too crazy. I don't have the pleasure of seeing some drunk girl sit on my drink. I would have made her buy me a new one if she weren't completely trashed. I mean she didn't even know that she had Jack Daniels all over her, so i decided not to press the issue.
And thats were we are now or at least where I started.................its 2008 and I feel this huge weight lifted. I don't have a resolution, but if I did it would be to do all the stuff I really want to do. No more working too much, and worrying about stuff, I wasted too much of 07 doing that.

how are ya doin gorgeousssss bamboleira!!!????
ciao panter!!!!
please come 4 a visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!