I have way to much crap going on! Here is my average day...........
5:30 am: wake up
6:30 am: leave for work
7:30 am: arrive at work
3:30pm leave work (no lunch no nothing!)
4:30: home
5:00 arrive at gym
6:30: leave gym
7:00: home, food, shower, play with mr. Muggles
8:00pm: Watch tv or something while answering emails from work, that came in after I left at 3:30
9:00 pm: Writing time (i'm working on a collection erotic short stories that are more than just "c" and "b")
10:30-11pm: bed
Just to wake up and do it all again. Now there is some variation in there some days during 7-11pm, but normally this is the drill. It's draining! Really really draining! So if you wonder why i go MIA sometimes, thats why. I spend the few moments I have to myself partying and being bad.
Help me escape this boring life. I'm ready for another set damn it!
5:30 am: wake up
6:30 am: leave for work
7:30 am: arrive at work
3:30pm leave work (no lunch no nothing!)
4:30: home
5:00 arrive at gym
6:30: leave gym
7:00: home, food, shower, play with mr. Muggles
8:00pm: Watch tv or something while answering emails from work, that came in after I left at 3:30
9:00 pm: Writing time (i'm working on a collection erotic short stories that are more than just "c" and "b")
10:30-11pm: bed
Just to wake up and do it all again. Now there is some variation in there some days during 7-11pm, but normally this is the drill. It's draining! Really really draining! So if you wonder why i go MIA sometimes, thats why. I spend the few moments I have to myself partying and being bad.
Help me escape this boring life. I'm ready for another set damn it!

it's good to be bad