I decided that my health is more important that some extra cash, so I canceled the dinner party I was suppose to do on Sunday. It's a lot of extra cash I'm letting go, but I don't think they would want me there spreading my German germs all over the food.
Like I said, my health is more important right now*******
I'm so beat, I could crash on my computer, like right now.
We had some Senator to dinner ( I'm not allowed to tell you who ), so we worked extra hard.
I'm sick as a dog, and I hope i didn't get anybody sick
I'm off on the weekends, but have a dinner party I accepted ( cause I need the money ), + I offered to pick up a friend at Burbank airport at 3 pm, and have to be in Bel Air at 5 to start dinner for people I've never met. I'm so stressed and tired that I want to cancel my friend.....but her car is parked at my place, so I'm screwed.
Anyway, enough complaining.
check him out
I'll leave you with some more pix from my weekend in SanFran.

I decided that my health is more important that some extra cash, so I canceled the dinner party I was suppose to do on Sunday. It's a lot of extra cash I'm letting go, but I don't think they would want me there spreading my German germs all over the food.
Like I said, my health is more important right now*******
I'm so beat, I could crash on my computer, like right now.
We had some Senator to dinner ( I'm not allowed to tell you who ), so we worked extra hard.
I'm sick as a dog, and I hope i didn't get anybody sick

I'm off on the weekends, but have a dinner party I accepted ( cause I need the money ), + I offered to pick up a friend at Burbank airport at 3 pm, and have to be in Bel Air at 5 to start dinner for people I've never met. I'm so stressed and tired that I want to cancel my friend.....but her car is parked at my place, so I'm screwed.
Anyway, enough complaining.
check him out
I'll leave you with some more pix from my weekend in SanFran.

i'm sorry you were down with the sickies
so. who is the senator? huh? huh? HUH?
hey. i always love seeing your photos & your life in pix. they make me smile with happy-ness
hope you are having a beautiful week.
I don't like the heavy workload and stress of shooting a wedding, even if the bride is very laid back. And if she's a "bridezilla", well then it's doubly stressful. This bride seems to be great, but time will tell. The up side is, I charge more for shooting a wedding than anything else I do, and I"m still "middle of the market" when it comes to costs.....but I'm still wondering if it's all worth it.
Good and bad news about your wedding shoot cancellation. Too bad you weren't getting paid for it. but I suppose if you do it for free, if they don't like the photos, you just walk away....if you charge, then there's an expectation of sorts.
anyway, get healthy!! That is #1 priority.