So, I’m sitting in a hospital with my dad. Not sure what the hell is going on yet… but I’m fucking RAGGED tired… scared… all around just worried. I get that some people don’t get to have their parents for as long as they should. I’m lucky to have mine still. It’s painful watching the slow deterioration over the years and then it gets bad and it still hits like a prize fighter with an attitude problem.
It doesn’t help that he’s worse than me with the “I don’t need help” mentality.
I got it honest.
I just don’t want to be the oldest person in my bloodline yet. I keep showing him the beautiful women around here and he isn’t even interested.
Not like him. My dad taught me to appreciate women… ALL OF THEM… because they are superior to us in too many ways to list. He taught me about respect and how to be a deviant gentleman. I fail daily. But he makes me try.
I’m still not big enough to whip him but I’m damn sure big enough to whip anything trying to get him… and then it’s just a waiting game to find out what is.
Not a fun post but the good vibes here will power through with me and it’ll be what it’ll be after all.
I love you misfits for being just like me.
I should have brought the Moto.