You all can expect a new set from me very soon! I went to Europe inMarch for two weeks. Saw a bit of Germany, a ton of Italy, & stopped over in Holland for my layover. While there I was able to fulfill my dream opportunity of shooting with the gorgeous, talented, spunky SG herself; Waikiki!! It was so incredible meeting her, she is even more beautiful in person, and her sexy accent & smoky voice made me melt inside! I felt like such a n00b in her presence with her awesome dreads & my little baby ones

Tattoo news: I've gotten 10394832908409283 and 1 comments on it... I know my side piece has been in the same state for over a year now! Ugh it sucks... I just ended up having to put a lot of expenses toward unexpected shit. Now, I FINALLY have an appointment set for next month and the floating pair of tits will finally be covered! Oh god how I can't wait... fucking scared though. It's been over a year since I felt that needle tearing into my flesh & digging into my bony ass ribcage... & I remember it hurting like a bitch... meh. No pain, no gain.
Not much going on for me this summer. Taking calc 2 to finish up my bullshit classes that I put off before my last year of undergrad starts in September. I'm doing relatively well, actually. Got almost 20% higher than the class average on the last exam. Made me feel fucking awesome because my friend told me that the highest grade she's heard of anyone receiving in that class at my school is a 2.5. I think I'll at least achieve a 3.5, if not *fingers crossed* a 4.0. That would be amazing. After next year, I think I'm going to do a couple years of Peace Corps to get some cash for grad school. I'll be taking the PCAT & hopefully going into pharmacy.
Alright, enough about my boring self. Here's some sexy pictures to keep you interested.
I woke up after getting completely shitfaced on the west side of the state for my fallen housemate's benefit bash COMPLETELY covered in glitter. Literally, all over every inch of my body. It will probably never come out of my dreads. I think it's kind of sexy though. I wish it were more socially acceptable.
Notice my new microdermals in my guns? I figured my guns could use a little bling, and I think the dermals did just the trick. I got two in my face too, but one rejected because it was over a shit ton of scar tissue and I didn't really make the effort to take extra care of it because of that. Fail. I managed to save the other one though, which is fucking great, because I would have been so pissed if I completely failed my second attempt at an antieyebrow. I'll show pictures of it when the rejected one has healed.
NOTE: All microdermals were done by Eternal Tattoos in Livonia. They did a spectacular job at a very reasonable price, and I will definitely be going back to them for more. Plus, the chick who did mine was so sweet and cute :3
Also, if any of y'all are interested. I'm about start doing some camming with my new boy. The details are still a bit up in the air, but I'll spill them here as soon as they're hashed out. But I guarantee you won't want to miss it. I mean, come on, aren't these previews hot as shit?
That was a little longer than I expected it to be. I'm all like "blahblahblah I'm soooo busy, I'll have to keep this short!" But fuck do I love procrastinating on this site.
Now I'm off to practice some integration by partial fractions. Oh boy. Can't wait.
Peace out, yo
Love your set!
Done in Italy? Nice!