sup kidz?
just figured i'd throw an update up on here, since some pretty rad shit has gone down in the past few weeks.
first off: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL LOVE ON MY SET!!!!! i was soooo excited to make front page again
i wouldn't be there if it weren't for all your continuous love and support ^_^ i really appreciate it more than i can express!
now my irl business:
spent the last three-ish weeks hostin' & romancin' the most lovely British/Italian boy that i've ever laid eyes on (i mean, of all boys, not just the particularly narrow category of half-British half-Italian boys, lawl) with the most endearing accent. seriously, my panties simply moved to remove themselves after every hilariously sarcastic "wanker" comment he made.
that's just one of those words that only Brits can make sound offensive and cool.
god damn do i love sarcastic boys.
he also taught me to backroll cigarettes, virtually perfectly, because he is the master. i used to roll the most absolute shit joints, but now i roll about five aesthetically beautiful spliffs a day. my New Year's resolution for 2011 was to smoke only rolled tobacco (to wean myself off all the harsh chemicals in major brand smokes). it's been the easiest resolution to keep up with that i've ever made, they're just so much classier than tailor-made cigs, plus they taste infinitely superior.
oh, i 3.4'd the semester, which i am fucking ecstatic about. science majors are rough shit, particularly when i have to balance it with maintaining a relatively exhausting social life, as well as serving on an executive board position for my co-op to keep shit running smoothly, which is difficult and time-consuming in a house of 30.
i'll be balancing into the equation a job as well next semester. i'll be working as a secretary at a dispensary in Lansing. jah bless medical weed in the state of Michigan XD the hookups will be just incredibly fat... i can't fucking wait.
i ventured out to Chi town again for NYE this year. i attended, like virtually 50% of the midwest, the Pretty Lights show at the Congress. it blew my fucking mind, particularly due to my specific state of mind.
the next night, I hung out with Oogie at her awesome pad, and we got down on some solid bong/flip cup action. i fucking love that girl. she is seriously the shit. the next day i shot with writeboy at his place, and the pictures that he showed me looked pretty damn sexy. i can't wait to see the set all put together! a little hint: thigh-high tube socks. mmm. i fucking love tube socks. insta-sexy.
now, pictures. since it's the only way to re-grab attention after large blocks of text. it's okay, i understand, i'm ADHD too, hah.
obligatory random mac photobooth pic:

even though i've been obsessed with South Park for years, i randomly got inspired to do the whole SouthParkYourself thing for the first time a few days ago. it is just uncannily perfect. right down to the adorable Siamese kitteh ^-^

I WOVE MY WITTLE FWANKIE-CAKES!!!!! oh my fuzzy little love nugget...


seriously, everytime i reread a blog of mine i'm like "wow, it's blatantly obvious that my attention span is roughly equivalent to that of a goldfish." this blog is by no means an exception. oh well, i just hope that you peoples find it endearing, rather than annoying and confusing as fuck.
i'm one of the few i've encountered who actually had a pretty goddamn fantastic 2010 (everyone else has been like, well, 2010 ate a bunch of dicks, but here's to a less fellatio-analogous 2011), so here's to having a just as enjoyable, and if i'm blessed enough, even more incredible 2011! however your 2010 treated you, i hope your 2011 is sick as shit. in a positive way. not the coughing-your-lungs-out-through-your-mouth type sick. just felt i'd make that distinction.
last thing: misshin' you frank ;]!!
peace out, muddafuckahz

just figured i'd throw an update up on here, since some pretty rad shit has gone down in the past few weeks.
first off: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL LOVE ON MY SET!!!!! i was soooo excited to make front page again

now my irl business:
spent the last three-ish weeks hostin' & romancin' the most lovely British/Italian boy that i've ever laid eyes on (i mean, of all boys, not just the particularly narrow category of half-British half-Italian boys, lawl) with the most endearing accent. seriously, my panties simply moved to remove themselves after every hilariously sarcastic "wanker" comment he made.
that's just one of those words that only Brits can make sound offensive and cool.
god damn do i love sarcastic boys.
he also taught me to backroll cigarettes, virtually perfectly, because he is the master. i used to roll the most absolute shit joints, but now i roll about five aesthetically beautiful spliffs a day. my New Year's resolution for 2011 was to smoke only rolled tobacco (to wean myself off all the harsh chemicals in major brand smokes). it's been the easiest resolution to keep up with that i've ever made, they're just so much classier than tailor-made cigs, plus they taste infinitely superior.
oh, i 3.4'd the semester, which i am fucking ecstatic about. science majors are rough shit, particularly when i have to balance it with maintaining a relatively exhausting social life, as well as serving on an executive board position for my co-op to keep shit running smoothly, which is difficult and time-consuming in a house of 30.
i'll be balancing into the equation a job as well next semester. i'll be working as a secretary at a dispensary in Lansing. jah bless medical weed in the state of Michigan XD the hookups will be just incredibly fat... i can't fucking wait.
i ventured out to Chi town again for NYE this year. i attended, like virtually 50% of the midwest, the Pretty Lights show at the Congress. it blew my fucking mind, particularly due to my specific state of mind.
the next night, I hung out with Oogie at her awesome pad, and we got down on some solid bong/flip cup action. i fucking love that girl. she is seriously the shit. the next day i shot with writeboy at his place, and the pictures that he showed me looked pretty damn sexy. i can't wait to see the set all put together! a little hint: thigh-high tube socks. mmm. i fucking love tube socks. insta-sexy.
now, pictures. since it's the only way to re-grab attention after large blocks of text. it's okay, i understand, i'm ADHD too, hah.
obligatory random mac photobooth pic:

even though i've been obsessed with South Park for years, i randomly got inspired to do the whole SouthParkYourself thing for the first time a few days ago. it is just uncannily perfect. right down to the adorable Siamese kitteh ^-^

I WOVE MY WITTLE FWANKIE-CAKES!!!!! oh my fuzzy little love nugget...


seriously, everytime i reread a blog of mine i'm like "wow, it's blatantly obvious that my attention span is roughly equivalent to that of a goldfish." this blog is by no means an exception. oh well, i just hope that you peoples find it endearing, rather than annoying and confusing as fuck.
i'm one of the few i've encountered who actually had a pretty goddamn fantastic 2010 (everyone else has been like, well, 2010 ate a bunch of dicks, but here's to a less fellatio-analogous 2011), so here's to having a just as enjoyable, and if i'm blessed enough, even more incredible 2011! however your 2010 treated you, i hope your 2011 is sick as shit. in a positive way. not the coughing-your-lungs-out-through-your-mouth type sick. just felt i'd make that distinction.
last thing: misshin' you frank ;]!!
peace out, muddafuckahz

I'm always excited and happy when I flip through your amazing sets. You wield such intense beauty you seem to shine like the brightest of stars in the night sky. Thanks for making the world an even more beautiful place through photography 

hey doll thank you so much for the lovely comment on my new set <3