7 days. 300 nerds with nerf guns.
only one side can prevail.
no one is safe.

no. i'm serious. this really happened. for one full week on campus, 300 students assumed varying roles of humans and zombies, and basically went all out, amidst attending classes mind you, to eliminate all members of the opposing force by absolutely every means necessary. it. was. hilarious. humans carry nerf guns and rolled-up socks ("grenades" lol) to ward off roaming hoards of zombies. zombies "bite" humans to turn them into zombies and build up their ranks. it's all pretty fucking gangster, because humans walk around packing neon-orange colored heat, and zombies walk around in groups wearing bandanas on their heads, so it totally seems like some weird nerd gang activity shit. which i guess is essentially what it is. not only is it fun as shit, but the look on people's faces as masses of banded menaces ambush a random kid walking to his bike from class as he frantically pelts socks at them is pretty goddamn priceless.
today was, sadly, the last day. but also, awesomely, the epic final battle (my intimidating warpaint of choice pictured above). though we were outnumbered 2:1, the zombies were far too fierce and thirsty for blood.
goodbye, humanity. not even your most rapid-firing foam-dart-spweing machines could save you this time.
muuaahahahahahahaha >:3 all have fallen to the horde.
seriously though, it was ridiculous. i did not expect people to get as into as they did. like, at all. but a fellow zombie put it perfectly: the best way to trick nerds into doing large amounts of physical activity is to either give them nerf guns and tell them they're hunting zombies, or tell them they're zombies and that they have to own the nerd with the nerf gun.
my legs have not been this sore in months... especially after tucking and rolling all matrix-style sideways into bushes to dodge bullets. i have the most massive bruise on my left thigh. it kind of looks like Africa.
god, i'm totally gonna turn into a LARPer or some shit, aren't i haha.

Halloween was the SHIT. i was deadmau5 (lol, get it?). there was an absolutely absurd amount of people that came through our house. apparently we took 600 invites, and there had to have been a pretty good chunk more of people that managed to get through by name dropping/sneaking in through windows/etc. at least a sink didn't get ripped off the wall this year and cause the basement to start raining. lawl.
oh. before i forget. taking a poll. should i get my nipples pierced?
i've been thinking about it for a while.
7 days. 300 nerds with nerf guns.
only one side can prevail.
no one is safe.

no. i'm serious. this really happened. for one full week on campus, 300 students assumed varying roles of humans and zombies, and basically went all out, amidst attending classes mind you, to eliminate all members of the opposing force by absolutely every means necessary. it. was. hilarious. humans carry nerf guns and rolled-up socks ("grenades" lol) to ward off roaming hoards of zombies. zombies "bite" humans to turn them into zombies and build up their ranks. it's all pretty fucking gangster, because humans walk around packing neon-orange colored heat, and zombies walk around in groups wearing bandanas on their heads, so it totally seems like some weird nerd gang activity shit. which i guess is essentially what it is. not only is it fun as shit, but the look on people's faces as masses of banded menaces ambush a random kid walking to his bike from class as he frantically pelts socks at them is pretty goddamn priceless.
today was, sadly, the last day. but also, awesomely, the epic final battle (my intimidating warpaint of choice pictured above). though we were outnumbered 2:1, the zombies were far too fierce and thirsty for blood.
goodbye, humanity. not even your most rapid-firing foam-dart-spweing machines could save you this time.
muuaahahahahahahaha >:3 all have fallen to the horde.
seriously though, it was ridiculous. i did not expect people to get as into as they did. like, at all. but a fellow zombie put it perfectly: the best way to trick nerds into doing large amounts of physical activity is to either give them nerf guns and tell them they're hunting zombies, or tell them they're zombies and that they have to own the nerd with the nerf gun.

god, i'm totally gonna turn into a LARPer or some shit, aren't i haha.

Halloween was the SHIT. i was deadmau5 (lol, get it?). there was an absolutely absurd amount of people that came through our house. apparently we took 600 invites, and there had to have been a pretty good chunk more of people that managed to get through by name dropping/sneaking in through windows/etc. at least a sink didn't get ripped off the wall this year and cause the basement to start raining. lawl.
oh. before i forget. taking a poll. should i get my nipples pierced?
i've been thinking about it for a while.
Don't go
Damnit, why doesn't this sort of thing go on at UNO lol, we only get student movies and plays, out of which maybe 10% are bearable. Zombies vs. Humans would be way cooler.